Nile vs. Pyra DPS


To help us all deciding what to do with Niles and Pyras after the tomb event, I’ve made a chart showing which gives more dps by player class and enemy def. What the chart shows is that for sorceror, for example, Nile boosts dps more than Pyra up to 50 enemy def, and Pyra boots dps more against enemies with >50 def. For the analysis I assumed max att and dex as well as WC tops equipment (T12 weapon, T6 ability, T13 armor), except for archer/huntress which are done with CBow. (For TShot the def at which Pyra eclipses Nile is +5 compared to CBow, and for DBow Nile is better up to >>100)


hey that’s cool :+1:

but what makes pyra good and nile meh is that pyra adds more HP as well as more def on top of boosting DPS. so even if nile is a tad stronger on those classes I’m pretty sure most people would prefer a pyra.


Great visual, but would like to remind people that DPS isn’t everything and in this case the difference is almost completely negligible.

Using the example of a warrior (acclaim,ggen,acrop,pyra/nile), Pffifel’s graphs shows a difference of at most ~60 DPS (on a 0 def enemy). On the other side of the spectrum with a class where pyra>nile no matter what def, a rogue (foul,ghostly,hydra,pyra/nile) will also only ever have a DPS difference of ~60.

Main differences already explained by Xak above. I like to generalize pyra as a “survival ring” since most classes become more survivable with hp + def. Nile benefits any classes that can spam abilities and could use some speed.


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