No longer get notified for new posts?


This bug had actually cause me to lose motivation in going on RealmEye to be honest. I used to have 0 threads waiting for me on Latest, but now I’ve got over 200.

it keeps adding up ._.


The notification queue was blocked.


got 37 new ones now…


what does that mean, that we dont get new notifications, but then it was released and it floods in?


Does this mean that it’s permanently fixed now? And I’m curious why notifications were blocked; was Doc’s theory correct?


No, there’s no permanent fix yet.
Doc is right. This is a side effect of a recent change.


Is it a problem with the software of the forum (discourse), or was it a problem with a change that was made to this specific forum?


It was a discourse bug.


i seem to be getting more normal notifications now.


lol anyone coming across this? getting the total wrong notifs @moderators


thats intersting, i noticed i got this weird badge just now, for something i did ages ago, that i dont think i should of gotten

it might b/c you made the thread



yep i’m dumb


It looks like I dont get notified for every like I get.


Thats a setting you can change, message me back if you can’t find it and I’ll ss when I get home.


Slightly related thing; I no longer get notified for new flags, it appears the whole discourse message system has been scrapped or disabled.

Also why is this thread exempt from autoclose?

Shaxasno's Photo Album!

Dunno why for the first part, but as for why this didn’t auto close, some of the older threads made in certain categories didn’t close because the categories didn’t have auto close turned on.


I’ve been sometimes getting unread counters next to posts i’ve never seen or subscribed to. I think there’s a bug somewhere. We’re on the perpetual beta version of the software, so there’s bound to be some mistakes here and there.

And Uni got the auto-close right: thread pre-dated the rule, and the rule isn’t retroactive.

Shaxasno's Photo Album!

I have had the same issue, but only with off-topic flags.


1- sorry for bump
2- why are we still in beta

also I don’t seem to get notified of half of the new topics and I have all categories on first post. Also accounted for the people that I muted.


Guessing Doc’s referring to the RE Forums, and not the underlying forums framework being used.

Probably a perpetual beta so that any bugs can be ironed out at the leisure of the mods (/devs). I don’t think it’ll come out of beta as this isn’t anyone’ s full-time job (afaik)

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