Now 2 is better than 4? (Void)


you do need coordination of those supports or they will go into one big group


As the raid leaders say in SBC, a mundane rogue is more useful than a 5th priest.

As for organization, Im pretty sure the only reason we still have raid leaders rn is because there are those players who are still unsure of phases. It is easily doable without directions so long as each of the four corners is manned correctly.


Thats only if your group is shit and doesnt know what to do. Only inexperienced people will group together, since its pretty much a death wish.


sounds like the average LHZ player, caesarā€¦


The top 15% of LHZ players are stupid as well


I mean Iā€™ve never done a LHZ run so I wouldnā€™t really know.


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