Npcs in realm


Just a quick idea, if we could add NPCs in realm, and if low-level players go exploring the realm they will find them, or some players do some exploration.
The NPCs could be anything random, from a wise old man giving tips, to some NPCs give random quests and actually have rewards, small rewards that make it special.
This creates a more enjoyable experience to distinguish from the fast-paced shooting and looting. And with the new music in realm, I think it fits well.
what do yall think?


We already have blue star npcs lul pog


But they no fun :frowning:


I remember when I first started playing I actually expected there to be some towns with NPCs, or even just lone NPCs in those buildings around realm.

I actually wish NPCs are added to the game, so nice idea. Of course this turns RotMG into more of an MMORPG, but it already kind of is, so why not build on that a bit.


it could give some 10min loot potions… expos and shi


this is what I’ve been saying for a while now :expressionless:


We’ve got the abandoned house places in the lowlands already; that could be the location of some wise, old npc that gives new players some advice on how to level up and where the difficult enemies are. Maybe the pirate cave could also have an npc that Dreadstump is holding captive until the end of the fight, at which point the player can ask them stuff.


yeeee that kind of shennanigan


This is a great idea. Reminds me of Skyrim.


its literally a mmorpg


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