Official Deca Statement regarding Unity and the fame reset


I guess I should state this again:

I think it is hypocritical to reset one and not the other. They are exactly the same.

Oh, lets not reset alive fame because people have spent so much time farming for that huge number which doesn’t affect gameplay at all! Oh wait! Dead fame should be reset since it will mess with the new fame system! Noone has ever spent any amount of time getting that useless number!


That is a nice way to drive people away from the game, what is the point of playing years saving enough fame to have to get your pet to a respectable level if your progress will be reseted.
Im not in favour on any kind of reset and that idea of DECA only hurts the game.
In these words i only see an inmense lack of empathy for the community and game health. Just a grudge and wanting the game to fail.


they are saying that the progress of things wont change just how fame is used is gonna be changed


I whole heartedly agree


I feel the comments about the reset are so biased.

If you already have a divine petyard/divine pet, you just don’t care about an account reset, but if you are still trying to go to that point, you will lose years of work (as a f2p at least).

The divine petyard cost 50k fame, which is not a small number to say the least (and don’t start with “you can do that in a week by fame farming”, because no one should get incentivized to go fame farm because of a reset). If you want to fame farm, do it, but if you want to get the fame naturally, you should be able to. Reset would just piss those ppl off.

If there is a reset, I could suicide some chars in order to upgrade my petyard, but I really don’t want to (and lot of ppl don’t even have that possibility). There is sentimental value about the chars, and forcing me to suicide to not loose 10k+ fame, or have to go fame farm like a moron is just gonna make me rage.

My view on what needs to be changed goes like that :

Account Fame
Option 1) Increase Fame gain (X10) to devaluate fame in general. Then, change all fame price accordingly. You flatten the playing field by reducing the gap between high fame/low fame players.

Option 2) Make a new Fame currency. Allows to use current Fame for some special offer/maybe even buy new fame currency (10-1 ratio?). That would have the same effect than devaluating current Fame.

Alive Fame
Option 1) Transform it into new Fame currency (aka devaluate it)

Option 2) Put that Fame into Account Fame and reset Alive Fame

Option 1) Make 2 Leaderboard, one for old fame, one for new fame

Option 2) Fuck old fame, just reset leaderboard

Required Option 3) (Should be applied whether option 1 or 2 is chosen). Add a character creation date requirement to the new leaderboard, so only characters made AFTER the fame rebalance can go there.

That way you don’t remove the sense of achievement from old fame gain, but you also reset the playing field for the new leaderboard

EDIT : The leaderboard can be fixed easily (and in a non-intrusive way) by making the creation date requirement. But any reset of progression (account/alive fame) will piss many ppl who would feel cheated, and for good reasons. If you want to tackle fame, just devaluate the current one, that will go in the same idea of the current bigger fame gain from new dungeons (which devaluated the old fame already)


On top of that, there’s the very real possibility of people gaining fame faster than they can spend it.

Depending on a lot of factors such as how much you play, how hard you farm chest events, what classes you like the most (that is to say, which items you could never consider feeding because you like the class that uses them too much)… it’s not hard to be in a position where you just don’t get good fp items often enough to spend your fame and prevent it from accumulating.

That’s mostly my own experience with making a f2p pet and I don’t know how many other people are the same, though.


Thank god.




What? Flash is dying at this point tbh, and has become outdated and cannot hold realm together at it’s current size. And when flash finally kicks the bucket, realm will probably follow suit, whether that takes months or years.

Edit: Still don’t see what the problem is :///


Look at who I replied to before you make comments


[quote=“Ancienther, post:55, topic:42000, full:true”]



Probably the “17 days later”




More than a month for me😥


Step One:

Step Two:


i have spent weeks of my life increasing my dead fame. During the first few years of my account, it was to buy an amulet of resurrection for 11,500 dead fame. I still keep my first ammy in my vault, despite it’s changes. These days, my dead fame is used for the occasional fame box, to feed my divine pet, or just look nice.

Dead fame, alive fame, it’s one of the very few aspects in this game that represent your overall progress as a player. You may not value it, but other players do. Character slots, vault spaces, maxed stats, the best gear, both tradable and soulbound, are meaningless if you have nothing to show for it after a fame reset.

If alive fame is an example of your skill and progress, dead fame is a trophy to the characters you’ve played, the hours you spent, the times you had.


The way you say it makes me feel like you’ve gotten bored of the whole Rotmg farming concept like Rng. As it gives chances to give items in can make it take forever. Really you’ve been playing for a lot longer then me(1 year for this account, 3 for an other)just dunno.


yeah it’s a nice eulogy, but say that to all the hackers in this game, the fame farmers, the ones who run parasite events not because they like the loot, but “because it gives the best fame in the game”. Even alive (or dead) fame is pretty meaningless.


Hmm sounds like collective punishment to me which is a war crime:


The geneva convention is for warfare and limiting (if not outright prohibiting) scorched earth tactics and the like, not a bunch of losers choosing to be an even bigger bunch of losers by not even playing the damn game they claim to like so much.