Official/unoffical RotMG drop rates!


ehm if you attack the tentacles you get loot
you get your sb from tentacles not from the actual hermit


Really? Iā€™ve attacked only hermit and I got dexā€¦


The whole thing with whether tentacles drop stuff is really complicated


Oh wow, i got the pet skin and the bow in the same bagā€¦


Didnā€™t they decrease the tomb ring drop rate from 1:20?


Sorry to say, but you are wrong. The enemy which drops the loot is the Tentacle Spawner, not the tentacles. You do damage to the hermit and get loot from the tentacle spawners, because the devs do not want your loot dropping inside the dark water.


Same program as this?


he means that if u got sb on all 5 towers then it is 1/200 because 5/1000=1/200





This is literally copied from here. And Oreos donā€™t drop from eyeballs


Mate donā€™t be linking that here, poor doc spent so much time purging that website from the forums months ago.


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