On behalf of the Skin FP Change


I think that the FP change for skins could be handled better as what are we supposed to do with a soulbound skin that we’ve already unlocked.
How it is changing to currently if you are unaware, is simply changing the FP on skins from 2000 to 1000. However, I think that there could be a change that still Deca’s intent but still gives us more use for unlocked skins.

  1. Make it so skins can’t be fed or just give them a very small FP, but make it so all skins are tradeable.
  2. Make it so that a skin you haven’t unlocked can’t be fed but once you have already unlocked it, it can be fed at the normal FP of 2000.

idk I just thought I’d give my opinion on the FP change


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Feed power of cosmetics to be lowered
