Opinionated Changes


Sorry, forum went a bit overboard automoderating. And now, back to your regularly scheduled discussion.


Thanks a lot, sorry if I posted this into the wrong forums felt this was better for more open discussion.


you seriously think people would pay to play realm? this game is dying as is and seeing them make people pay to play the game they want would make even more players quit, if it was something small like 2 dollars a month that would be more acceptable or maybe even a dollar a month and if they make they game the way the players desire then it could make them quite the profit.

i feel like this is overboard but more guild features would be nice like a guild leveling would be really cool.

this is a really cool idea.

this is another good idea but i don’t think deca will add it because of the nature of it and the impact it’d have on the game also what about people like cutie? they’d get free vault slots lol.

ehh i don’t think this is a good idea because some people play without rotation and etc maybe the way the mouse is facing? so you can just tele a tiny bit infront of you or you can just tele behind an enemy?

you have so much to say in general about the game and it’s all really good but i don’t really have the time to reply to it all so maybe ill add more to what you said later but your ideas are really good and you might want to ask to work there i know a guy who was a good coder who got a job at deca or maybe it was kabam who knows.


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