Orb of the World


Orb of the World
An orb that channels magical energy to influence time itself. Who dares approach anyone who can manipulate time?

Effect: Stasis enemy projectiles instead of enemies
Radius: 2
Duration: 3 seconds
Condition: Can only stasis up to 4 projectiles at all times
Wis Mod: If wis > 40, projectile count = 4+(wis/15); only counting discrete numbers
Mp Cost: 110
Stat Bonus: +4 Speed

At 60 Wis, Orb will be able to stop 8 projectiles

Overview: You can essentially freeze enemy projectiles. Limit to 8 to keep from indirectly stunning, though multiple mystics with this can still do it if coordinated enough. Its small radius means the player will have to really aim to stop projectiles they want. High MP cost to keep from spamming. Duration is kept constant (3 sec) as stasising projectiles for too long might be too powerful, thus the duration is just long enough to get out of the way but short enough so players won’t be too relax. +4 speed compliments getting out of stasis projectile’s path. You can’t beat the s%$t out of oryx with projectiles in the way.

Thoughts: Thought about making the AOE center on player like Enchantment but this way it would be more versatile and a support item, allowing the user to stop projectiles from far away to save an ally. Forcing the player to aim with a small radius will be more interactive unlike just spamming i.e. Tome of Pain


If the projectiles continue with their path after the 3 second duration then I think the orb would be pretty bad, imagine stasising void entity projectiles then the group behind you continues rotating and then get shotgunned by not only by the regular shots but also the stasised shots. I do like the idea of manipulating enemy projectiles but i think it would be less wonky in certain situations if the item removed the projectiles entirely. Otherwise neat idea :slight_smile:



It’s interesting, but I think that it might also cause some issues with the 128-projectile limit (f.e. Forgotten King), or just stacking shots in a small space (MBC triple core)


So only 128 can be on screen at a time?

@op: stasising shots is worse than stasising enemies, because even after enemies become unstasised they may take a moment before they shoot. The projectiles will deal damage immediately after being unstasised.
Also, the thing that balances stasising enemies is the fact that you cannot damage them during that time. Stasising shots will make them completely useless, with no downside


How about making it delete bullets alltogether

Bad idea i know but an idea nonetheless


I feel like this is a very situational orb for such a high MP cost… but still, nice job


deleting projectiles might be OP because its essentially indirectly stunning, bypassing stun immune IMO


that’s debatable. The point is to make those shots useless, for a brief moment and the fact that they go right back to normal isn’t worse, if anything its more balanced since it’s consequential. For regular stasis, there really is no downside (even more so since you mention that they don’t react for a moment after being unstasised), which is exactly why there are troll mystics spamming the ability and the reason why i made a projectile limit. And stasising projectiles serves a different purpose as it still allows you to damage enemies whilst avoiding damage.


I didn’t know there was a projectile limit. Thanks for the feedback!


make it look like the earth would be better.


Definitely agree, or make It a different planet


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