Orxymas or MotMG?


What do you like more? Oryxmas events or MOTMG events? (in general, no specific year)

  • Oryxmas

0 voters


Tbh I like the regular white and orange baba then the Christmas bags… but the sprites for a lot of bosses and stuff are rlly cool and I’m gonna miss them. Tho overall kinda tired of Christmas😂it’s January 12th like rlly? Christmas should be done already😂


“Orange baba”:man_facepalming:t2:I would edit what I said but that is just too beautiful, I meant orange bag obviously


I really loved both of the events, but I do think I enjoyed the Oryxmas events more. The reworks from MotMG were incredible, but i think the new cdepths, wlab, and sewers are even better and have a bigger impact imo.


I preferred oryxmas based purely on timing.
I was able to play so much more during oryxmas because I was on winter break for school.
Motmg happened when I had classes, and couldn’t participate much in the events I really wanted to participate in then, being fungal and nest.


@KiddiKong I think you should clarify if this is about Oryxmas and MOTMG in general or about comparing two specific events, e.g. Oryxmas 2020 and MOTMG 2020, or Oryxmas 2019 and MOTMG 2020, or whatever.


I was busy during oryxmas, missed out on the o3 event. Oh well


good point
done and done :slight_smile:


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