Oryx castle to normal plox!


More entertaining to slip and slide to death than walk to death.


I agree because i need an A.S.S. but i cant get my soulbound in because the slipperyness lags me out


Then better pc or be more careful?


I wish the whole game had ice physics walking everywhere all year round :sunglasses:


i like this guy


They did say in the update notes for the winter-themed Oryx Castle:

It is a bit of a sticking-plaster solution, when there is an underlying problem with stun/paralyse abilities vs OP pet MPheal, but making select enemies stun/para immune is certainly better than doing nothing.


next winter make the whole realm frozen :joy:


Its like when your waiting for people to clear statues for Janus and You start sliding straight into those annoying Haunted Armors, activating them all.


why dont you help clear then :confused:


I do every once in a while.


LOL i always get lagged out of the game because my labtop sucks but i have a good ST ring the one part of the mistic set :relaxed: :yum:




Ice tomb, ice cave
even more fun then, see who can run the fastest while not dying to nut (ice tomb equivalent) rage


Except you get paralyzed so it’s no fun. And we need something with boundary lines


Good point…
Maybe just do it in the nexus?


Wait. Why have you stolen a profile pic? Are you the same person? I can’t remember his name right now ;-;


He gave us the profile picture


For 24 hours!

You did x3 of that!

(plez change it ;-; )




Ty <3