Oryx set rework


Oryx Awesome Set


All st sets have something special they change your playstyle but first st set on game its just a 4 reskins but i want to change this

Sword of the Mad God

Sword of the Mad God 660A9226-414D-4F45-87C6-4EA25CCE13FDxg80tsa
A detailed sword crafted out of blackened metal and precious bloodstone by Oryx’s minions as a tribute to their overlord.


Tier: St
Shots: 2(arc9)
Damage: 75-180
Range: 3.65(104.5spd/349lifetime)
Stat Bonus: +2Att
Special properties: Wavy shots
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 755



(Now i buff (+5-0 damage))

Drops From:

  • Oryx 2

More info

Have little more range to stay far and get all 2 shots on monster

Onyx Shield of Mad God

Onyx Shield of the Mad God imageBez tytułu
A pitch-black shield looted from the depths of Oryx’s Castle.


Tier: St
Mp cost: 105
Shots: 7(arc5)
Damage: 350-625
Range: 4(114.5spd/349lifetime)
Stat Bonus: +4att, +4Def, +6Spd
Special properties: Shot pass through obstacles
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 850

Drops From:

  • Oryx 2

More info

Dont have any effects only pure damage dont have pirce shots so in many situations will be useless

Almandine Armor of Anger

Almandine Armor of Anger
A piece of light plate mail forged in the dungeons of Oryx’s castle, it is decorated with dark red Almandine stones.


Tier: St
Stat Bonus: +8Att, +8Dex, +2Spd +8Def, -2Vit
Fame Bonus: 5%
Feed Power: 700

More info

Its like cc armor but cc make from u a tank and this armor change your into hight dps monster

Drops From:

  • Oryx 2
  • Oryx 1

Almandine Ring of Wrath

Almandine Ring of Wrath
Set with stones as red as Oryx’s favorite Cabernet Sauvignon.


Tier: St
Stat Bonus: +5Def, +5Spd, +4Dex
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 647

Drops From:

  • Oryx 1

Set Additional Bonus:

+3Dex, +60Hp, +5Att, +3Def

Overall Stat Bonus:

+20 def, +19Att, +13Spd, +15Dex, -2Vit +60Hp

More info

Whole set change your slow tank knight to very fast hight dps knight


(I buff set)


Change fame bonus and feed power to make this more balanced
Decrease sword damage (90-180>70-180)
Increase sword damage (70-180>75-180)
Increase armor Dex (7>8)
Increase ring Dex (3>4)


Wtf is this nonsense, 7 shots that can do like 500 damage???

So basically a marble colossus sword+Dblade? Hell no

8 def? Would definitely use

Tf is this fp

In conclusion

Edit: when using the whole set, you get 17 def. I would rather use a t9 dragonscale armor that gives 20 def over this nonsense


You alright there buddy?


500 x 7 = 3500
colossus does about 1700
considering this one does absolutely nothing but do damage it’s pretty damn balanced.

you’re really going to criticize everything you can? what is it supposed to do differently from all of the other swords?

the whole set gives 20 + the 40 knight has is 60 defense to turn knight into dps which seems pretty damn good and balanced when doing certain things but would get completely assed on in other stuff.

probably him fucking around.

do you not understand the concept of what an st is? the whole set gives 20 defense 19 atk 13 spd 13 dex 60 hp - 2 vit why are you just being completely unreasonable just to take this guys confidence away.


I don’t think sts give 6% fame bonus.


That’s like looking at the indomptable and calling it useless… It’s an SET tier item. Making each individual item good and then giving a stat bonus with all GOOD items equipped would be ridiculous. Even still you are judging this armor the wrong way, it would actually make a situational and very good UT with those stats.


I think the man is having a stroke, someone get him a doctor :cry:


Nah, I criticize everything, that’s just me


XD its autocorrect app in my phone
I didnt use english language all the time Im from Poland and this is Polish word xD


I changed it


Ty for your feedback

Knight Base Stat Cap:

HP: 770
Mp: 252
Att: 50
Def: 40
Spd: 50
Dex: 50
Vit: 75
Wis: 50

knight Stats with this Set

HP: 830
Mp: 252
Att: 69
Def: 60
Spd: 63
Dex: 63
Vit: 73
Wis: 50

I would use
But t9 armor give You +8att, +7dex and +2spd?




is that bullet sprite the one ingame when using the whole set? because i’ve never seen it before and it looks really cool.

also i feel like it would be better with 2 tear drop white shots as to symbolize the phase oryx has and if you want to get real creative the shield can cause bleeding or something to symbolize the crying or smth and maybe slow the targets.


Oryx set dont have “whole set bullet Sprite” but it is from: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/corrupted-caster

Bleeding or slow is cool but i want Shield to make pure damage
Maybe Shield will shot white shots


0.15 tiles isn’t much of a range difference. Also, wavy shots looks ugly with the normal projectile.

This is terrible. Most shields already do a lot of damage, It doesn’t pierce, and the projectile looks hideous, (the one when the entire set is equipped). I think this would be great for test chests.

How can an armor give less def than most robes? Also, I don’t associate Oryx with being fast. I would get rid of the speed, because it says:

Pretty terrible.

Set Bonus: Okay I guess, but I wish the items themselves were better.


oh okay.

yeh i thought it would be cool to do like some sorta effect idk.


Sorry to say but…


but maybe a sprite change would be cool


Ok I will do new sprites on free time


Where’s my defense D:


Knight dont need def xD