Oryx the Mad God 3 Raiding Discord + O3 Spoilers


Large chunk of this thread is private testing leaks (aka the code of private testing clients is being what’s dug into here). Even if any of this is in public testing, the source of the leaks obviously has not been restricting themselves to public testing in the past, and so I would say the thread is opening up access to private testing leaks.

I think leaking private testing is generally a great way to get yourself and others unnecessarily riled up about incredibly dumb things (am I being hypocritical about this? not really, it’s really funny to watch people get upset about very preliminary work because guess what, people use private testing to try out ideas, crazy stuff) as well as highly disrespectful to the UGC/tester team.



he does public testing leaks, not private testing




Niegil has leaked all of this info b4 this post iirc.


he has more info than the post.


It’s whatever though, idk why I even cared enough to make post about it because at the moment I don’t really care about leaks or whatever.


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