Oryx's Paracosm: An Endgame Dungeon by Puffagod


Here are two more potential Paracosm-related items! c:

The Galactic Libation is an archaic ceremonial chalice of antiquity; used to tribute sweet glory at the Anchor of Worlds. This item gathers fame at the same rate as the character that carries it, to a maximum limit of 2000. It can be shift-clicked within range of the Anchor of Worlds to automatically donate all its accumulated fame (it has the same radius as an inc, and only works with the public Anchor).
Note that Libations kept in a backpack do not register for fame collection!

The Galactic Balthazar is an august pot of asphodel liqueur; ornately decorated to serve elaborate rituals of libation. This item instantly donates 5000 fame/guild fame to any Anchor within range, with the same radius as an inc.

These two items would drop from anything that currently drops inc; with the Balthazar being rarer and the Libation being just as rare. Their addition would slightly increase the frequency of openings, and otherwise encourage the running of other dungeons.

I will likely update the document with these at some point ;3
Thanks for your support! c;


yeah :smiley: I contributed


What on God’s good earth…
I just noticed that the God Shepherd’s projectile called ‘Winter’

Has been (quite plainly) plagiarised as the ‘Aqua Artefact’ in Deca’s Ice Tomb.

This is a 100% original sprite by me, and (though I appreciate that everything made on the Art Maker belongs to Deca) I think the lack of credit is a bit unkind :c



Well… your sprite has killed a lot of people.


Perhaps they don’t know, as it apparently was Beige who made the Ice Tomb boss sprites. Try contacting them and notifying them of this and maybe you’ll get credit.

I still didn’t get credit for making hand of shaitan >:c


oh you made the hand of shaitan?


When I was first started making sprites, I made a hand on the draw tool. It’s one of my oldest sprites. The Hands of Shaitan are recolors of the sprite.


Have you contacted deca about giving you credit?




Well, maybe you should! They may give you credit where kabam didn’t.


love them! I think these could really encourage doing the dungeon more. However I just realized something. When you say the Libation gains fame at the same rate as the character, does that count easy fame you get (the first 215-ish fame acquired). If so, someone could move the Libation from character to character and fill it in like an hour or so.


Good point! xD
Not everyone has the characters though - and I am still debating whether to soulbind these…


Well as long as someone was dedicated enough they could make their character, get 250 fame easily, then suicide for fame and make a new one and repeat. I think if they were to be soul bound they should be more common than inns but its up 2 u of course.


That is not cool. Could you complain to Deca of infringement?

On the bright side though, it shows that Deca liked your idea enough to swipe it… Sorry to hear about it :confused:


There’s no infringement here. Anything made on the pixel editor tool is clearly stated to be free for them to use if they so choose. They also can’t always track who made the sprite depending on the circumstances when the sprite was saved. I still think Puffagod should send a support ticket and see if he can get a mention in the Ice Tomb announcement credits, but they don’t actually owe anything.


so its a question about ethics…

the real test of Deca.


This is where Deca could be like (am I really saying this) Kabam, and give credit (aka. The Shatters). Or they could be stupid muppets and not give credit. Power is a funny thing.


There’s a difference between an entire dungeon and a single sprite. Countless sprites in RotMG have been taken from the pixel editor with or without credit, it’s not a new thing. Even if they do, how satisfying will it be? They can’t just slap the name onto the enemy and call it “Aqua Artifact (with a sprite by Puffagod)” so the most that would reasonably happen is an edited mention in the old Ice Tomb announcement thread. At the end of the day, it’s Puffagod’s decision to make whether he wants to pursue some sort of credit, don’t put words in his mouth.

And by the way, in the case of the Shatters, even LordShon was still never credited anywhere in-game. He got a mention in the announcement thread and that was it. A newer player would never know it was designed by a player.


This is extremely disappointing.

As much as I dislike DECA, this is something they probably didn’t mean to do. It could be a coincidence.


Well ouch. Someone could edit realmeye wiki and change it to include Puffagod’s name somewhere.