Otherbill - The Mod


@Stupidity Is there any reason why you chose exactly that date?


Never saw the point in this. He’s a troll. Tomorrow he’ll be back under a new name. If the mods ban him, fine. If they don’t, and it bothers you, block him. Seems simple enough to me.

Edit: I re-read some of his posts. The mods were being a bit lax. Perhaps he should have been temp banned after a couple of his “spammy” posts


Circumventing a ban gets you another ban. Ignoring him will half fix the problem for me though I will still see people quoting and replying to him. he was a parasite to the forums driving more then just me away not everyone on the forums is going to ignore him and he was more then likely driving new users away.

simple way to fix this? ban the problem.

27 year ban is good for me


Hell, I’m not complaining. Cheers


Discourse doesn’t have a “ban” button, but it comes with an array of other options.

The option I thought most appropriate (mainly because I could offer the best documentation) requires a duration. It is an arbitrary number representing permanence.


Evil, is it possible to IP ban someone? Because if Zlushy makes another account, it seems like that would be the best way to stop him from coming back.


It is possible (I dont know whether it can be done by mods or requires admin rights and works with the setup here)

source: https://meta.discourse.org/t/ip-ban-button-within-a-profile/57301





Tbh the forum is pretty boring without the trolls/flamewars


Then say something interesting.

I don’t find flame wars amusing. Trolls, only of the highest quality. Like bugs or something. There are some interesting ones out there, but most of them just need to be removed if they get in your house.


I want trofi back :frowning:


“Don’t make the moderators clean the floor again”

  • a mod


The forum is just like OtherBill’s tree.


[technically no one would have known if you had kept your mouth shut]


[They could if they tried to look it up]


no idea what the original topic, but im sad that trof left. I was very annoyed at him for like the first 3months here, but gradually he become part of my lifestyle :confused: .


Got hacked*


late to the party, but how tf does this make sense? by saying pallys use seals you’re proving that he should have the Seal of Approval


Zlushy was quite a “character” on these forums, it was probably not supposed to make sense.


he makes me cringe even after his ban -.-