Paladin or Priest?


I’m wondering which one I should choose. My farmers don’t last long so I want a healing class. Of course the Priest heals very well, but the Paladin can deal more damage and is pretty fun. So what do you guys think?


pally because if you max it you can rush abbies with even a max uncommon pet


couldn’t you do that even safer with a priest…?


sike maybe with a prot and even then you’d need like a legendary or something because all of the enemies have high damage shotguns
and even then a piecing wand barely makes up for it’s pitiful dps


Honestly it depends. If you have a puri and prot then definitely priest. If you don’t, then I’d probably go with pally. Be prepared for less loot with priest ofc


Priest. His pet is fine for a priest. I like to think pally as a class to use without that good of a pet, mostly because of the healing effect. Priests does that but better. A lot of people complain about priest not getting SB but for me it seems fine for me, don’t know what people are arguing about.


Priest if you have prot, otherwise pally. Both are great and can get an easy if you can use them right.


Pally. You’ll get much more stuff done in the same time.


Paly, because its better all around except for dex, wis, and, because of abilities, spd.


Unless you have a prot?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


noononno paden everything :slight_smile:


You could rush an abby with a maxed common mpheal pet.


Paladin for sligtly more aggressive playstyle


:sweat_smile:lol thankfully I already made a





Yeah, true


if you have prot you can sit on most realm enemies



Died… I give up


u shouldve made a backup


Yes we always have 2-3 padens, if u die u always have a backup :slight_smile: