Pally ability rework


I really enjoy playing the pally, in fact, it’s one of my favorite classes. High damage, high health, and a buff that heals and increases damage at the same class, absolutely amazing. However, I’ve noticed that unlike the other melee classes, the pally’s seal doesn’t give the user a def buff. Pallies can be very squishy and that kinda sucks.

Here’s my idea: instead of a def buff, the pally’s seal would give a constant hp buff. High tier seals would give +100 hp to the paladin, just to increase its survivability. Like I said, paladins are kind of squishy for a heavy armor class and this buff (100 hp honestly might be a little much but it’s just a suggestion) would let it tank a little better

Open to all constructive feedback, I think this pally hp buff would allow some interesting UTs.


Seems like a good idea to me, especially if they go through with the group buffing nerf.
At first it seems a bit OP but certain T6 ability’s have ridiculous extra stats, T6 cloak has +5 spd and +4 dex, skull has +70 HP, quiver has +5 dex, shield has +12 def, etc.
So I’d go with +70-80 HP and call it a day, if not for the pally itself just for balance


Pally is still a melee, you cant call it squishy just because it misses out on ~10 def that other melees have from their abilities. This def is more than made up for with the hp boost of abilities. Giving it a permanent hp boost isnt a rework, it is a buff. And if theres one thing it doesnt need, its a buff. Pally already has the third highest obtainable def in game with a healing ability and insane dps.


The whole class is getting nerfed because it’s broken and you suggest we should buff the ability?


Dont worry all melees are getting a rework.


what should be nerfed is the warrior


It is


I’m alright with paladin playing different from warrior/knight and having a tougher time if we try the same playstyle of tanking on it. The more variation between how the classes play keeps things interesting longer, IMO, and I like every class to have things they’re good at and things they’re bad at.


pally is far from being squishy and he has access to armored buff don’t also forget about his increased def cap.


*invulnerable, and thats just to prevent instakills not tank


Also if pally’s buff is nerfed and swords are nerfed why not give it some more health to compensate? knights have stun and warriors have max attack, why not give pally some extra health?


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