Patch Note X.31.8.3 - Community Event Details


Copied from a Deca Reddit post:

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread
Collect all Amethyst [I can't use them at the tinkerer]
Boys, we need to grind those amethysts
X.31.8.2 - The Nest
August Event Calendar [MotMG Event Calendar II]
Portal sends to Nexus after realm closes

What does this mean?

And for the rewards do you know if they stack or you get one? (other than the event white days.)


I think it’s talking about:


The wording doesn’t suggest stacking to me.


Yeah but like encounter as in the portals or godland dungeons?


Believe it is meaning Sphinx will always drop Tomb, Avatar will always drop Shatters, and so forth. 100% chance of a dungeon from all the ‘Encounters’.


Is it just me or can I not repeat amethyst quest. It says complete even though I’ve only completed once and won’t let me go again.


There’s two separate quests for the oryx mark, if that’s what your talking about


At the current rate, we’re probably not gonna reach tier one. cmon boyos, let’s get those st chests and free rolls


Its already been more than 2 days and we only have 18k shards???
If we wanna reach 120k we gotta farm them more

BTW the rewards are really lit you can check them out on twitter/reddit/realmeye


No I mean isn’t it supposed to be a daily challenge, like on you can complete every day? Not a one time thing. I completed both challenges on Monday but they haven’t refreshed


I heard deca has been updating on the progress somewhere. Does anyone have a link or can guide me to it?


It’s being announced in-game periodically. These in-game announcements are also announced by the RealmDiscord bot, so if you have that on one of your Discord servers or are in a server with it, you should be able to see the announcements if those are enabled.

Here’s what it looks like on the bot (and the latest update we’ve gotten):


If the event is eight days, and progress is theoretically linear, then we’ll have collected a total of 64,000 shards* by the end of the event.

However, if progress is a non-linear function, such as this cubic-bezier, ease in quadratic at,.09,.68,.53, the collective total will be closer to 93,000 shards*.

* within standard deviation.



26 043 at last announcement.


Tbh, I just see this event as a way for Deca to check how many players actually play realm daily. But in a bad time, because we are in a motmg: of course we have more people playing, but also of course people will prefer to run events instead of realms to get oryx shards.
We are at 26k after 3 days, so this is going to be a big ouch (mostly for Deca, unfortunately). Will we even get to tier 1?


Another update on the total just now:

(24.94% of the way to top tier)


Ya i don’t think we are gonna make it at this rate.


We have a chance of hitting 1st tier now though :upside_down_face:


truue but t1 is crap


Seriously? That is a relief. How many amethysts have been collected total?