Patch Notes X.31.7.4


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Heroic Abyss discussion
Patch X.31.7.0 [The Cursed Library] Notes

Can I ask what happens to the previous Heroic UDL incantations? Will they be deleted from the game or just become another vanity item?

edit: Wait, the bosses aren’t HP scaled.


Patch Notes X.31.7.4

^Graphic from the main game menu.

The incantation-key did seem unnecessarily complicated, having standard keys should be an improvement.
And, suddenly, aliens? okaay …backs slowly away…


Interesting question: Why are leaders unable to move to dev corner?

Also heroic incantations were probably replaced with the heroic keys.

Edit: unable not in able I’m dumb


Possibly it would allow leaders to post new topics in there too, which maybe they wanted to reserve that for only Devs themselves to be able to do.


Did both the heroic dungeons and the biggest change is that both are boss room-only. Septavius seems fairly unchanged, but malphas is pretty tough


I can confirm I still have my HUDL incs in my bank, still require an existing UDL portal to use. I wonder if this will be addressed. :hibiscus:


Fragments don’t give campaign points, bosses do not hp scale and they give 50x more fame than they have any right to, well done deca, you ****ed it up.


there’s a boss that gives 1000 fame?

Also I did get my points from the fragements. Did you perhaps forget to activate the campaign?


Campaign’s active, I’m getting no points, and multiple people are reporting the exact same thing on this server. And a boss that dies in 2 seconds should give less than 1 Fame.


Thats probably because of the lacking hp scaling, which hopefully gets fixed rather soon.
The nightmare colony seems to be about equally difficult in a small group, so 20 fame should be ok.


“Oh dear we accidentally released a 20 fame dungeon that can be completed in seconds for 100 gold.”
:money_mouth_face: :disappointed:


It appears to be a display bug; if you hover over the reward milestones, the points required for each is going down.

Your points are just not being displayed on the total counter.


These are greater fragments


At this point I’d honestly prefer a rollback, this is utterly destroying realm on so many levels.


Fame was broken before and is even more broken now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You’d have to explain how many levels then, because aside from the fame thing I don’t see how any of this is gamebreaking.

Not gonna lie though, “pay2fame exploit” is some next level shit. Don’t remember Kabam ever pulling that one on us.

Watch them make a fuckton of cash out of this because fame trainers are just junkies who’d pay anything to get their fix.


Yeah… I feel like if games need new content they default to some computer world/alien world and it isn’t really pulled off in the best way. Like other realms might exist, but in our current Realm ruled by Oryx, there’s suddenly now a concept of space and aliens in a fantasy game?


Seems legit that they just didn’t realize that people would farm the fuck out of these… I mean why would they ever forsee that coming. Gotta say, Deca is starting to act more and more like Kabam.


The alien invasion could be explained as a reference to the movie “Independence Day” in which there is an alien invasion, seeing as the 4th of July is within the event.