Patch Notes [X.32.7.1] & St. Patrick's Day Events


Copied from a Deca post on Reddit:

Event Loot
Sorrel’s Weekly/Event-ly/Patch-ly Loot
Balance Changes & Dungeon Cap Update [X.32.7.0]

Main menu news item graphic:

St. Patrick's Day Events

If it helps any with the Mystery Key changes, I drew up a chart of what moved where:

The wiki pages are already updated, fast work @Dandyoung :+1:
Edit, and just saw your bug report too: Trivial Issues Thread


Yes! I’m so happy they finally made the dungeons correspond with the rarity of keys! I’ve always wondered why a snek key was epic while ddocks was rare lol


I really like how Deca is listening to the community. The last couple of updates have been bangers. I appreciate the updated key prices that bring more balance to the pricing.


Words can’t describe how much i hate Leprechaun.
Good work with keys tho


Oh, I didn’t notice this part about the free package in the lengthy event notes:

image image


Really decker? All I wanted was rainbow and you give vomit cloths?


No grace time on the tokens at the Tinkerer, that’s a bit silly. :wastebasket:


Wait, can I still get this?


No, it disappeared at its expiry time (at the end of the event = 4 hours ago).


It ended four hours ago…


I don’t know if this is new exactly for this specific patch, but the company name in the copyright message on the front screen has changed at some point, GmbH meaning it’s a Germany company, right?:

© 2020 DECA Live Operations GmbH



It does mean a German company, and it also means that they are a private company with limited liability. (Source)


This has been there for at least a few weeks


New update, see: Patch Notes [X.33.0.0] + The Machine Event [Apr 1st to Apr 6th]