Patch X.15.1.0 - Enter the Nest!


I definitely enjoyed this dungeon’s development! I, of course, really enjoyed being a part of it, in creating the ST set! Really though, the Nest is a great and difficult dungeon, and if I were running this on Prod for the first time, I’d probably- no, definitely, die easily. It’s an amazing dungeon.


So, here’s an album of a lot of graves I’ll be adding to.

Sadly I’m amongst one of them as of now lol so there won’t be updates for a few hours.

Notice the fame though!


no free stuff during motmg :frowning:
[feelsbadman -D$]


Looking at the MotMG calendar, it’s nice to see they have made a proper schedule, with dungeons planned and all that. Very Good.

I missed the whole Biff Bunny event, so especially looking forward to farming those derpy UTs he drops .

I hope this is a precursor to them unsoulbinding some of the older skins from Deca’s reign, or making some of them available through Daily Quest/Login rewards.


Nice nice, will check it out tonight when i get home.


I hope that at least one of these many chest events include a backpack drop! But more to the point I hope I’ll have time for all of them. So many dungeons to run, so little time!


From what I’ve seen, the dungeon is stupidly hard, but also stupidly rewarding. With DEX pots dropping left and right and the greater DEX pot from the boss, this might even replace the sprite world as the primary source of DEX, if you’re good enough to do it consistently. That’s something I think the game really needed.


Probably my favorite thing about the dungeon.

Anyone has any clue about the password that the door on the treasure room asks for?


Dr Terrible


And what’s the reasoning behind it?

Nest Troom Spoiler

<img src="/forum/uploads/default/original/3X/6/9/6975ed1517731a29b21f462ebc2a57ef2b856058.jpg" width=“600"”>

img credit: @Lgetsugame


Technically, there’s an Easter Egg you can also go with, then use the “dr terrible” password. If you say a certain phrase, you get some info on the dungeon’s development.


You’re only saying this because it credits you, Don’t lie I know i’m right.

PS. Grats on getting your name in the game :slight_smile:


Well, I need to boost my ego somehow! :slight_smile:


I’m still around the eye cancer phase of playing this dungeon but there are rumours that if you get out of the room, and don’t say anything after entering the “password” (Dr. Terrible), something special happens.

Also something I glimpsed off the wiki: this is the only epic dungeon that doesn’t drop tops (or any other tiered item for that matter). Though the wiki could be incomplete, I’m not sure.


I think that was supposed to be kept a secret.


Seems a bit elitist, smash the system! Reveal all secrets!
(Why would they programme it in if they didn’t want it to be found?)


Oh, it was?
I thought it was just an Easter Egg that was sort of commonly known by now.
As it’s supposed to be a secret, I’ll edit it out.


It’s not that he didn’t want it to be found, but rather that he wanted it to be discovered.

Eh, I guess it doesn’t matter too much. It may have been too hard for people to figure it out anyway.


I was figuring that people already knew about it. In retrospect, I guess it’s way less likely that people would figure out that one.


Dammit, no math questions?! T_T

Also, do these phrases do anything other than have the computer say something?