Patch X.18.0 Halloween Madness


Hotfix 2017-10-30

  • The drop rates for Magic Pumpkins have been more than doubled and Oryx 2 drops at least one!
  • Fixed super stronk Parasitic Stalkers at Infested Buildings (disabled HP scaling).
  • Fixed Heart Thief Necromancer dye mask.

Do Pumpkin Seeds drop?!

praise the sun


Well that explains why I’m getting pumpkins now.


… what about Bruno the Rogue Steward? (and by that same token, every other skin with this issue)


I own mini malus fool


I… really hate you now


holy shit, i’ve barely seen anyone with that skin! gratz!




Mhhhhh sure. Just tell me if you are able to trade juggs.


I was half awake should’ve used influx


I just tried the new Parasite Chambers. It was INTENSE, especially that boss fight. So many bullets, so many things that could go wrong, but the balance of pet stasis, armor break made no insta threat for me, while maintaining the high level of tension. It’s one of the few dungeons where I had to take a literal step back from the game, just because I was so stressed out during the fight. Congrats, Deca! Give the dungeon designers a pat on the back, probably a raise or some bonus :smiley:


I have an idea for Scout the Tomb. 2 life would be broken, we all understand that. BUT you could do the treasure room potions for one geb mark. so 2 def, 2 atk, 2spd, (Worth about 1/2 a life in the current economy)


WhO cAllS iT tHe sPeCTraL SenTRy?!

SpoOKy BoI iS oFFenDeD.


Agreed. Change name of sentry to spooky boi right now, decker.


Jesus, just imagine.
Blank died at level 20, killed by SPOOKY BOI


Oalei died at level 1 killed by SPOOKY BOI


Pumpkin seeds are new also available through daily quests


Now that is dank


I’m at school, so I can’t see the picture. What is the quest?


the Scout one