Patch X.20.0 Merry Oryxmas


You should post in here RotMG Poems
if you like poems :smiley:


We had much more severe nerfs on testing, but decided to take a step back and wait for when we take a closer look at tricksters, assassins and daggers as a whole before we make more drastic changes to any daggers. The goal is to figure out a niche for Etherite rather than having it essentially be a stronger Cronus. These changes might be small, but I believe a step in the right direction.


Oooo, maybe I should make an update to my one and only video that inexplicably got 11k views?


Time to take out the tablets.


27 likes to 12k views :thinking:


Those Ancient Spell stats though.
Don’t do me dirty like that.


what do all the new reskins look like? wiki hasn’t been updated yet with them


No that wasn’t what I was really intending. Idk what the snowball does but its cool.


cool, can someone post the sprites i want to check them out


at least they sorta nerfed etherite


No, it hits another person and vanishes


Uh go to the tinkerer


I already have 3 primal ice. GUD ENUF


That’s not a good idea. I don’t want to no-life my time grinding for cubes for a minuscule chance at Cronus. That would probably effectively de-incentivize me to play the dagger classes permanently.

No thank you.


Wait, how? You can only complete the tinkerer quest once a day, if im not mistaken, and we only got one from today’s daily login.


Didn’t mention anything about leaving Cronus (and other Encounter UTs for that matter) as rare as they currently are, now did I? :wink:

Is it just me or are Deca's new event white drop rates broken?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Jakcodex/Muledump v0.8.0 - SetupTools, Muledump Online, Character Sorting, and more!


Compared to the current EA outrage, Deca look like saints. Especially with ANOTHER char slot. I don’t know how you keep doing this, but keep it up!

Edit: Any news on Mt. Temple wings 2 and above?


They drop from stuff too, not just tokens


Ok cool. Havent had much opportunity to play yet.