Patch X.23.0 - Assassin and Trickster Balance


I thought of them as illusions generated by the prism and light


MrEyeball is back up now


Crashes should be fixed now!

Yes, it was more focused on fixes and adjustments, rather than a full rework.

Still on the table, but we’re thinking of making a bigger across-the-board balance pass and adding it to multiple classes at once, which is also why it didn’t make it in for these smaller changes.

  1. What happened to all the bots in nexus? (thank you BTW) I just wanna know.

  2. What happened to Mr Eyeball he’s so broken.

  3. What happened to all the servers people are getting DCED constantly.

  4. What’s this “across-the-board” stuff meaning EVERY class is getting a tweak?

  5. (Opinion) I think Deca needs to be more open with their ideas and updates. I know public testing was a shot at it, but everyone knows that was a little odd, but nice, being a lot of people had problems although it was nice to get away from the pressure of prod and test new things.
    If anyone want to add to this just let me know I’ll add to to the list of these questions and quote the answers and the questions in another reply

Cem Bug!

Have you ever talked of a Vit mod? I think it is for now the most unuseful stat in the game. Pets are really a problem for the game…


A cheaper spellbomb that does less damage, requires you to stand on the enemy, teleports, has a delay before it damages, can miss against a stationary enemy with some shots, and doesn’t belong on the wizard, one of the longest ranged classes. Yup, totally a spellbomb reskin.


Barely does less dmg, is aoe, teleports, belongs on trix, since it is a prism.
Ppl don’t really care about standing on the enemy since you can teleport away in a flash. Plus, pets can heal you out of whatever the enemy does do.

Yes, it is not literally a spellbomb, but it does similar dmg and is cheaper.


If that’s all you got then this is a ridiculously weak argument. The prot heals and can perma armor, so why is the jugg still one of the most sought after items if this one is better? It’s balanced by the class, people still play the warrior because it has literally 10+ times the dps of a priest, just like people will still play the wizard over a trickster because of it’s range and the spellbomb picking up whatever slack it has.


But is ghostly balanced? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


I think so. was just testing it and you have to go in deep to plant bombs, which does require a certain amount of risk if you dont have p2w pet. the timing will probably take a bit to get used to.

that being said, trix can be added onto the list of chars that can solo kill constructs (not sure if there actually is a list).


It wouldn’t have gone through a month+ of testing and made it into the game if Deca decided it wasn’t balanced.

I would argue that it’s completely balanced given the drawbacks of using it, no decoy and requirement to stand on them.


Nice! I like the separate tabs.


The list is: all of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Has been since basically ever (this vid is from 6 years ago before ninja was a thing, before MP pets were a thing):

Possibly only priest nowadays would rely on a rare UT (eg. bulwark or the pain tome) to manage it. Fairly sure everything else can do it with just tiered equips since there’s been buffs to most everything since back when this vid is from.


Hah, whaddaya know. Maybe I’m just a noob with this construct killing thing. I didn’t realize sin/rogue could do it too.
Thanks for the link


I think the prisms are supposed to refract light so that a decoy appears to be somewhere even if it is just a trick of the light. How a prism gives you the ability to teleport yourself is quite mysterious; I would assume that that part is magic based, meaning the prism itself has magical attributes, so the decoy likely involves magic as well, not just technology. As for exploding prisms, they probably involve magic. The ghostly prism is from the ghost of a pirate king after all. The encore prism is probably partially tech based because a puppet master is kind of like an evil genius, so he may have altered the prism’s magical composition or something like that.


Just to kinda elaborate on this topic.
I’m gonna use a movie for a reference here but bare with me, in the film - Thor Thor says, “I come from a place where magic and technology is the [the same thing]” and think about it people that lived from the beginning of civilization to until about 200 years ago would’ve thought that any technology invented in the last DECADE was magic. Apply that to prod. Maybe this primitive looking game with mideveal character names might actually be an advanced civilization fighting creatures with realistic consequences. I actually make a post about this.


Or it is a flash player game for losers that has little to no lore.
Just sayin’


that’s when the community has to take over for lore smart tactic bad execution


Although there are the astral wars (we only know they exist, and that’s all, nothing else about them)


eh warr is only 5-6x the dmg of priest