Patch X.27.0.0 - Pets and Jellies


Thats when its always been


It was July two years ago Iā€™m fairly certain.


They wonā€™t hold a ready class and yellow stars for 1 entire month, lol. Iā€™m pretty sure motmg will be in July.


That would fucking suck because then I would miss out on the first 2 weeks of MOTMG and most likely another character slot and vault unlocker.


Relax bro, i donā€™t think deca would be this dumb


getting non stop dcs in reef
nvm works in flash projector but needs a limit on the people. we just stack on top of each other and pelt it


finally iā€™d been saving some of these since last year



The only one Iā€™ve saved is a brown bounsheep :frowning:


Shouldā€™ve fed


jokeā€™s on you i still have 117,000 fp stored in vault



life goal status: achieved


Iā€™ve captured some priceless in-game commentary on this one:


Mad lab is a rare key but Snake Pit is epic, WTF?


Excellent work detective. Anyone else think Craig is hot?




Snake is epic purely for a more rng feel, like itā€™s that one dud key, itā€™s specifically there to add to the excitement of using a mystery key and give the fear it will be a snake


Wait there was a dupe method based on the game not being https?

Good catch DECA.


That was probably actually a good amount of the hacks and dupes, the game being http and all, other dupes wold be based on bugs/flash


Is there any difference between using this new link and the old auto-updating one?


X.27.0.0 menu graphic

^the in-game menu graphic for this patch.

Interesting move to get the star rankings prepped for the new class, and to add a teaser to the choice screen, building that hype:
