Patch X.28.0 - Month of the Mad Samurai


A post was merged into an existing topic: MotMG 2018 Fame Box V


Now what?
Nothing on Reddit last time I checked (~a minute ago), Iā€™ll search through the static drips for anythingā€¦

Addendum: Stumbled upon this in the XML, @Niegil get Ninjaā€™d:

I also found Mini God Pet Skins, but I think those were already announcedā€¦?


Might I ask how youā€™ve got on?
Iā€™m getting ā€œLoadingā€ every method that I try.

Got the game version number thingy?

Alrighty Iā€™ll try restartā€¦

NOPE still no Rotmg. GG.


tldr patch notes

motmg event chest will be called mysterious voice
sin st drops from correct bag now
baby leviathan pet -> mini leviathan pet
kingdom skin animation finally fixed

@Seelpit editing doesnā€™t count as a ninja fuck you


I just launched the game, might be client-side for you :P


i got the copyrice


Hey I have same issue too but I play on mobile and I canā€™t claim my sweet login reward now.


Alem wakis FTW
@Seelpit, looks like a Crash Bandicoot reference


Definitely Aku Aku and Uka Uka


the picture Deca used on rotmgs facebook site


Thatā€™s amazing, :+1: to whoever drew that.


No urgle 0/10


They also used it to promote it on steam


thats a thicc flayer god


Follow-on topic: Patch Notes X28.1.0