Patch X.31.1.0 - November's update!


X-post from /r/RotMG:

Unity Campaign confirmed, Producer's Letter incoming, X.31.1.0
X.31.0.0 - Halloween Horror
Unity Campaign confirmed, Producer's Letter incoming, X.31.1.0

Wait wtf is it just me or did everything format by itself when I copy pasta’d?

owo Owo OWO

Does this mean we can finally see PM’s sent while loading in between zones? No more of that bs where the chat superscrolls? Lag free servers?!!


i guess it did
was super confused when i got this

thank god.

not sure how i feel about this supporter thing. I dont really understand it much, but it seems to be another grinding thing that can also be bought with gold?

I feels like a token grinding thing except more
 campaigny?? I want to like this, but knowning Deca i don’t want to get my hopes up.

Also not sure about my thoughts about this continous stream of events from Deca


Minutes! Drat, my post was just too late ĂčmĂș

Also, how come the tokens won’t get feed power added to them? Now they’re just worthless if incomplete

New Realm-involving events sounds nice.
Where’s the beework though

Also, here’s what that new stat-on-level-up looks like:
Quite a nifty feature.


Wheres my gooble god?




the shards drop from oryx


seems like everyone should get 5 from oryx1 and 1 greater from o2?


Confirmed shard locations (all are Lesser Nexus Fragments unless stated):

  • Oryx1 (5)
  • Oryx2 (1 Greater Nexus Fragment)

Realm quest events (usually 5)

  • Hermit God (8, gives 1 from each tentacle; Hermit itself also counts for the threshold)
  • Pentaract (5, gives 1 from each tower)
  • Jade Statue (5) but none from Garnet
  • Avatar of the Forgotten King (5)
  • Crystal Prisoner (5)
  • Ghost Ship (5)
  • Cube God (5)
  • Skull Shrine (5)
  • Grand Sphinx (5)

Optional realm events:

  • Final Beehemoth at Nest Colony (5)
  • Lost Sentry (5)

Realm progression quests:

  • Red Demon (5)
  • Cyclops God (1)
  • Phoenix Reborn (1) but none from Phoenix Lord
  • Ghost King (1)
  • Oasis Giant (1)
  • Ent Ancient (1)
  • Lich (1)


  • Kage Kami (5)
  • Headless Horseman (1)
  • Lucky Ent God (1)
  • Lucky Djinn (1)


I got one, but what does it DO


Hermit drops like 8 or some shit for each tentacle I think.




No Nut November update? :thinking:


This seems to include the Colony, the last Bee drops them.
Pentaracts appear to have a chance to drop 1 per tower.
Hermit seems to drop lots, like, 6 or so.

I believe all ‘Heroes’ (Realm-closing-required monsters) drop 1 shard.


Is candy still obtainable? Like bruh, i only need 2 more until I’m able to trade them for a life candy


Patch X.31.1.0 graphic from the home screen:



1 nexus crystal=10 greater fragments


also if people didn’t know

10 lesser = 1 greater.

honestly such a huge pain to pick all the shards up at hermit
and its so spammy, but much better for people who had trash rng with things like the halloween event.


Estimates on how many stacks of Nexus Crystals before you can get anything worthwhile?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters


10 because deca = 10

and because then deca can make people do more