Patch X.31.2.3: Winter Continues


Care to give a hint about shard exchange quests availability date?
(Obviously the best one is 5 shards for 1 primal but thats only once a day)
Im not the only one somewhere around 50 primals not knowing if i should go all out and try for that 80 primals prize or just trade for weapons when available as they might be gone any day now.

Its not much but helps in a big way.



shards will be tradeable until the 15th, so I assume that means there will be shard quests until then :stuck_out_tongue:


– Nuked –

And yes i got the 80 by swapping the quests around with extra useless shards so that i get 80 on 14th.


oof my get rich quick scheme


i am at school, great lol


Tit pet skin


screenshot the skins for me will you ggaod



I read that as elongated tit pet skin,smh


Thank god






So does Primal Ice still drop or no?


someone fix this pls.

I can’t edit it :confused:


Graphic for 31.2.3:


The wiki front page is wiki-moderator edit privilege only, posting here won’t summon them to do it. Try: Wiki Improvements topic or the wiki talk page (Help the Wiki > Talk), or, y’know, wait more than half a day and it’ll probably happen automatically like it has been for 5 years. :stuck_out_tongue:


same… and I live in new england wtf


I did not


Good guess but is it confirmed?

Edit: why am I white star… is it because forum not updated with new ranks


Same, I live in New York. This is just a weird season for weather.


I don’t know if the quest ends on the 14th but assuming it does you can make it.

Do shard quest 1 and 2 for 6 days. Requires 24 stacks and gives 18 primals

Do shard quest 3 for 2 days. Requires 12 stacks and gives 4 primals