Pet food


Someone pointed out to me today that I shouldn’t be feeding my legendary pet 400FP items, which kindof struck me as odd because I have been feeding captains rings and ring pops since my pet was rare. So my thought was well, is it really worth feeding 400fp to a legendary pet anymore and I’m not really sure.

On the one hand, fame is essentially free and easy to accumulate, but on the other, I don’t have much of it these days because I end up spending it all, and I’m shorter on fame than I used to be. I think it comes down to what someone has more of, fame or feed power.

Thoughts? Should I still be feeding 400+FP items to my pet? What are you feeding your pet?


dont feed anything under 1200


It depends on the person. For a lot of people, legendary is 600+ fp or 800* I was throwing away ammys despite the 500 fp becausw I’m low on fame due to the event.


If you’re running out of fame often your threshold is too low. If your amount of account fame is getting higher and higher your threshold is too high.


it really depends on the ratio of how fast you can accomulate fame to how many good feed you have.

If you do lh all day and die a lot, then you’ll have a lot of fame, so maybe its not bad to feed things in 500-600.

but if you really dont have much fame, then you should only feed the expensive feed things like burgers, maybe pizzas.

i actually have the opposite problem rn, all i have is high feed that i dont want to feed to my rare pets (trying to get them to legendary so i can feed it the expensive things then)


I refused to feed anything under that chocolate cookie for even a rare pet.


It depends on how fast you get fame. If you’re dying multiple times per week and getting ~600 fame or more each time, for example, then you have a steady stream of fame you can use. However, if you die only a few times per year, your fame will be inconsistent, and you should watch what you feed.

I fall into the second category, so I only feed items of at least 1k fp to my legendary pet, with items of 500-999 fp going to uncommon/rare pet projects that I currently have going on the side. I don’t bother feeding anything below 500 fp to anything at this point.

It sounds like you are also running into low-fame issues, so I would recommend that you focus on higher fp items for the time being. Remember that your pet currently requires 62,711 fp to max the second ability, which means 157 feeds at 400 fp, or 54,950 fame.


I usually go with items around the 800 range if I get them - pizzas, Planewalkers, that kinda thing.
As stated earlier, it’s relative with the amount of fame you have available and how much you accumulate over time vs how many feed items you have.



sphinxes and random pet food I have, go for 900+ items.


This should be an interesting read if you’re up for it, assuming you haven’t read it before.

OB’s personal threshold was 700+ items.


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