Pet Heal/MHeal Data Quirk


I’ve noticed that too, and was never quite sure why. It might just be that the graph’s wrong, but I doubt it.


Dig in to the numbers themselves. Increased pet levels generally both increase the +HP/+MP heal values and decrease the delay between healings. However, from level 85-90 the heal values increase but the delay times stay constant. As a result, the efficacy of the abilities increases slightly slower through this range.

Vault Chest bugged - Don't buy Vault Chests!

Was this part of the initial nerfing of pets? So the first released pets followed the trend without the little bump?


Oh, I have no idea—the data is what the data is. That discrepancy explains the slowdown in levels 85-90; that’s all I know.


I knew what caused the discrepancy; I I’d look at the numbers and saw the stagnant delay decreases. I was more interested in the why.


Ah. I don’t think any of us have any visibility into that. Only the Kabam* knows.


*   Or the Deca, perhaps.


Would be nice to see a graph of the Electric ability, because when i leveled things up, things got funky.


pls come back from dead


The reason for the increase after X level is that the feed begins to increase dromatically, thus making the pet more useful.



What the…

Hey, @Doc, it would appear that the “auto-close after two months of inactivity” isn’t working. Any idea why not?


maybe its cuz someone posted and deleted


No, we can still see deleted posts. That was true inactivity on this thread for four months.

And yet, here we still are.


well that’s weird… i remember this happening to another post before too


I’m just OP that’s why. (Ha, get it? Original poster, overpowered… you know what never mind I’m just gonna jump off this conveniently placed cliff).


The General Chat Thread

The auto-close rule is applied to the thread upon creation, and sticks with the thread if it is moved to other categories. My guess is the auto-close rule was missing from this category when this thread was created.


Shall we just go ahead and close it now, then?




yeah, i remember seeing a topic with it turned off



(You told that to @Doc, not me.) #technicallycorrectisthebestkindofcorrect

The General Chat Thread