Pet knapsacks c;


Pet Knapsack

Basically a backpack that your pet wears

-Instead of giving you 8 slots, you get 4
-If you put a knapsack on a pet, and you fuse it, the knapsack stays on your pet
-The knapsack stays on your pet forever

The rarity of the pet does not affect the knapsack at all

The knapsack would be pretty darn rare, considering most of the people
looking for a knapsack in the first place would probably have a backpack

I was thinking that the knapsack would drop from shatter chests, lod chests, and tombs as a cyan bag.
Or they could just sell it in the nexus

This is my first post, so tell me if anything is off. c;


I don’t really see this being good as an item, but it would be cool as a pet ability. Don’t know how it would be balanced tho.


Having a permanent (half) packpack through fusion seems broken. To balance it out, It should
A. not last through fusions
B. Drop from a 5 star dungeon
C. Have lower droprates than white bags
D. Not be soldable, unless its sold in an event pack, I.e Christmas or insert holiday here



If anything, I think the knapsack should last for only a week or so. If there’s something in there when the knapsack disappears, then the item disappears as well. Maybe then it can be dropped as cyan-white…

At any rate, Item slot is a premium feature. Deca kinda needs some fund the servers.


why are people always so resistant to slight improvements in the player experience. having 4 more slots doesn’t break the game at all, if they were to release it, it should be sold in nexus only and not a drop same as backpack. Seeing as you only ever need 1 it should be the same price as a slot so around 1,000 gold.


This, I can get around. I’m kinda iffy on the duration aspect of the back pack, though. How long do you think it should past? Indefinitely?

Also, yeah I’m afraid of change… If a new item is to be added, I worry about its impact on Deca’s finances and our general experience perhaps a tad too much.

Also, yeah, Ideas section is pretty harsh


it should be permanent, nothing worse than using something as storage and then going on holiday or w/e only to have it delete the loot.

Perhaps if they could bind it to your characters life, so that when “a” character dies while using the pet the pet also loses its knapsack. If that was the case it should be priced at 100 gold same as backpack


Honestly, I want this but don’t care if it actually gives extra inventory space or not. I just think it would look so darn cute :heart_eyes_cat:


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