Pet Love!


Umm… Because they are all dicks, they all deserve to die. It’s not like you don’t deserve to de just because other people are dicks too. If I sell drugs cause other people sell drugs, does that mean I shoudln’t be arrested?


So basically kill all humans on earth

I never said that. I just said that a 7/8 dying wouldn’t justify not calling. Would you think dying on your 7/8 for desiring a solo dungeon be justified?


Was he trying to solo? There are already three people. There’s no way to make it a solo at that point… Also, did he deserve to die? Definitely. How the fuck do you die in a abyss troom ona 7/8 knight. For doing that, he deserved to die. Also, just noticed, this is very offtopic


why yes i do when i first started this game i had a canine then later on this year turned it into a humanoid


Do actually own shibenation?




Please consider promote rotmg on shibenation

Your channel make of doggo superior to Rotmg itself…


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