Pet Peeves


What are some of your biggest pet peeves (things that are really stupid and annoying)?




When people call me horny or thirsty or something of the sort its so fucking annoying i swear to god i just wanna touch some boobies


I understand. I suppose you have no choice but to revolutionize the world. The way before you has been prepared.


Transphobic, homophobic, and racist jokes (If I hear that attack helicopter shit one more time I’ll scream). When people point out that you’re being quiet, I’m fine with a little silence. When I notice there’s no milk after having half made my tea/coffee.


Preach brother


Okay, this is realm-related (and pretty petty), but one pet peeve of mine is whenever someone is drawing the quiet bombs at the end of the Oryx Castle bridge to the left while everyone else is busting through the right side and I’m trying to take out the eyes with my sorc’s scepter. Honestly, decoying the bombs doesn’t help at all and only makes things harder for sorcs who know what they’re doing.


People being special snowflakes.


“Ez white”
Because you toootally did something different than me.


People using he/she instead of they. There’s no downsides to switching to it, it keeps a text flowing.

Also, when a snare on my guitar is offkey, but I can’t quite determine how much, so I tune it higher…but then it’s too high, so I lower it…ad infinitum…


The PC world.


When I forget to equip my pet when I make a fresh character.


religious people assuming I don’t understand religion and using that “you just have to believe” bullshit.

Gaod denying the fact that he’s a thristy boy is another one.


SkySlurp> Selling Life! Pure 7 Atk!

Someorangestar> trades

Someorangestar> selects 4 def and griff

SkySlurp> cancels trade

Someorangestar> wow that was overpay… dumb white star…


When people try to erase with no eraser on wood pencils. (More to come when I see/hear them at school.)


What’s wrong with that?


What annoys me is people who are offended and bring up their emotions as arguments


The contents of the jokes are usually the same hateful things but under a thin veil of irony and plausible deniability. Then in the eyes of these stooges you’re the bad guy and the fun police if you take issue with what they say because it’s “just a joke”.


Anything that has to do with weed, politics, overly sexual/overly edgy people


Why weed?