Petless Marble Colossus: No White Drake Eggs


Very happy with this run! been gathering Dex Effusions for roughly a week and a half, which sucked

Second try at it. Did not have a very good attempt Yesterday (link). Got psyched out and slow is literally the worst :rage::rage:.

For this one though, it could not have gone any better! I was really feelinā€™ it and got decent opportunities early in the final core phase, which can make quite a difference.

The difficulty with getting through the final core phase can bee a huge dice roll. Itā€™s all about do you, or do you not, get the opportunity to attack inner.
That is; does the rotation align, how many daze + weak is currently being shot around, Are you in a corner with a tower blocking access, Is some bullet cloud preventing access, etc, etc.

As far as iā€™m aware, this would bee the first petless run featuring 0 white drake eggs, aka pocket legendary pet heals for 1 minute.

Iā€™d like to take this moment for an extra flex with this beecause I doublt iā€™ll ever be able to manage that again. Itā€™s all downhill from here.


wasnā€™t sure how it was going to end up when you started eating as much crap as you did in the first part compared to your flawless performance from the 2 drake egg run, but it all comes down to that last core phase and you did not disappoint. nice job :ok_hand:


Aha yes, the flawless first run :rofl:

Looking back the first few phases definitely were a bit smoother on that one though. Iā€™d argue this one improved from the first core phase onward, getting things done quicker with less hits etc. With a brief moment of beeing a trashcan at 2nd core phase. Not orange health though :innocent:

The 2nd core phase can be a bit of a pain with where the bullet rocks and cores come out. If theyā€™re close to each other you canā€™t quite follow a core and deal a lot of damage (run #1) , so you gotta be a corner creep and wait for cores to come by for the most part (run #2, got slowed :c), hoping rocks donā€™t cross on your spot making matters more difficult (ABSOLUTELY NOT run #2)


uni no offense but we all know how braindead warrior is play a more skilled based class like priest amirite


Holy shit dude, you never fail to impress!

That three-core phase though, was extremely satisfying to watch lol. I guess having the ability to melt the pillars proved to be pretty important, else youā€™d be pressed much harder for damage windows. As always enjoyed the description ;^)

By the way, what key is bound to slot 1? Couldnā€™t see it on the keyboard tracer visual you had there.

Also this couldā€™ve ended badly xd


>solos mbc no pet no drake eggs


If you look in his inv he has a holy water.

I imagine itā€™s a failsafe for that phase


The ā€œ1ā€ button (ā€œ2ā€ for slot 2 etc.)


Oh weird, at ~11:00 when you switched to the csword, the tracer didnā€™t pick it up (unless Iā€™m blind) but when you switched back to acclaim it showed.



Might have to look into that. Strangeā€¦


niegil is wrong, deca is nerfing uni


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