Pets [ Feeding Advice ]


Currently right I do have an heal, mheal, and electric pet in that order, with a rare pet that’s almost maxed in the 1st ability but any advice on what I should be currently feeding?

Am hoping to get a legendary pet after a year or so.


Do you have ambrosia, I have like 5 from previous login calendars


No just started 2 months ago on this account.


Run the dungeons with common UTs, such as forbidden jungles and snake pits. The UTs give quite a lot of feed power and they’re fairly easy to grind, since the dungeons are relatively unthreatening with the exception of stacked shots in snake pits.


Wow you play a lot to have star


Lol no.


First max the 2 pet stats on both pets so when fusing you have to feed you pet less.
Secondly if f2p and willing to feed whites feed anything ranging from 800+ to get the maximum feed.
if p2w buy the ambrosia package no box too risky


Grind manors or try to find candyland to get candy rings


Manors have good FP items, so does OT and CLands “cyans”.


Let’s not forget OtherBill’s mathy approach!


As @DosVapes said, manors and OTs are both good options. Another great option for rare pets is to run labs and feed the UTs from there. If you were feeding an uncommon pet, I would recommend farming Forbidden Jungles, but those items don’t have enough fp to be worthwhile for rare.

Also get stuff from the daily calendars. I would suggest feeding items with no more than 2000 fp each to your pet, saving the more powerful things for once you get legendary (though that’s personal preference).


Am looking to get to legendary, divine would take way too long to get too and I already have 2 rare pets to feed.


I wouldn’t recommend grinding MLabs as they are long and the only item I’d feed from there is the Expo ring. Personally, I’d just buy some WC Incs as they are relatively cheap to buy and they have 500 FP each.

What is wrong with my letters. Halp.

Edit: Fixed


ur letters are perfectly fine

you need milk


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