Pets fusion


If i fuse heal(30)/mp(25) pet with the same heal(30)/mp(25) will i get maxed lvl cap both on heal and mp or just heal?
Do i have to max all the stats and fuse 2 pets with all three stats maxed to get 100/100/100 in the future ?


All stats share the stat cap, so you only need to get the first stat of each pet to max it.
Although if you plan on getting it to 100/100/100 in the future you might want to get all abilities to level 90 before fusing, as feeding is stupidly expensive on divine pets.


Thanks for a quick answer.


Wait, do you have two 30/25 uncommon pets? Then they’re not maxed, maxed uncommon have a level cap of 50.


I just made an example of the lvls. It can be 50/45 and 50/45.


Oh, ok. Then JonassMann answered you just fine.


You can always use Pfiffel’s pet fusion simulator to ensure that you get the result you want/expect, in the future.


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