PhantomMod's Art Fiesta



One more art stream border, themed after Art Fusion this time!
There’s also a second art stream border, used for misc. art pieces! No animated icon yet though

For every stream I start, I like to do a little stream doodle before starting the stream, helps to warm me up a bit and also to announce my stream to some servers I’m in~ Here’s a compilation of 16 weekly stream doodles I’ve done so far . w.


Calling location, location is usw B L O B



wait hang on I need to create something real quick









Hey all, sorry for the extra long post. I just thought of sending in everything I have not posted here. I have to go somewhere, temporarily, and in the worst case scenario I might not return ever… and in the event that does happen…well…it was a privilege and experience drawing for you all and sharing the joy with you guys.

I don’t really want to talk about it at this point, I might break down, again… So either way, thank you all for your support and encouragement, stay safe and happy yea? Moddy_-w-%20small


Godspeed on whatever endeavors you may face. May your art be immortalized as long as the forums is around. And if you do return, we will all be here with open arms.
we’re not allowed to leave until The Realm is done, so take your time


I hope things get better for you! We’ll be here, waiting for your safe return! :heart:


Good luck with whatever lies ahead! Maybe this is just another adventure in the wonderful tale of PhantomMod.


Hopefully you return safe and sound :crying_cat_face:


The fact that you question your return is frivolous. I have utmost faith that you’ll be back.
Partially because you need to read the Soulless Scribe’s Thessal x Royal Cnidarian fanfic that I recreated


Never realize Davy Jones would know RotMG could be a PvP game.


Owo? What’s this?


I’ll see you on r/otmgonewild


Thank you all for the kind words…I’m currently away from home for nearly 6 days straight untll now. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling depressed, lonely and in despair half the time in my new work place, still…I wanna try and keep you guys posted on art even though I only have old art to show until I return in 11 days…

Idk if I showed you guys these, sorry if it’s a repost heh, I don’t keep well track of what I already posted here

I used to love Undertale a lot! Thinking about the game now still gives me smiles, so a lot of these will be Undertale related


I’m certain things will work out. You’re going to be okay.



I fully expect an Undyne Knight ST set come the future
or some kind of weird Papyrus set idk how that’d be done


Spagetti bow

Lute of tromboning nyeh

BBaller robe

Bone crown


Hhhh thank you, as well as the others for supporting me while I’m away. Things have been a rollercoaster of emotions here as I’m approaching Day 10. I’ll be able to return home for a few days on Day 17, but it’s been rough.

I nearly did something drastic in a breakdown, to the point where the company decided to excuse me from sharp objects and confiscate all of the sharpies from me. Maybe it’s all for the better, if I ended everything there, I’d have disappointed you guys, my other friends and my family. So for you guys and everyone I care about, I’ll try my best to ride out the storm and hold you all close to my thoughts (sorry for sounding cheesy haha, I just…am not strong emotionally atm)

I told myself I’ll be strong…I should try and stick to that promise…

Here’s more art for yall. Again sorry if I reposted it but didn’t know. These were some of my bigger art pieces that took a few days to finish. First was done about a year ago, second was done 2 years ago. Last was 3 years ago

Also yesss I’d fully support an Undertale set in the game hehe

Note: Sorry if y’all are sick of the flowey art, I used to do a lot of them when I was starting out art because they were so easy to draw. Gotta start somewhere


There’s no need to be “strong”, it’s okay to be weak. Just keep muddling through and you’ll get there. I promise things will be better.