Picnic Game


This game is pretty simple. You think of a rule (e.g. first letter has to start with the first letter of username) and pick an item that fits that rule. You say “I started a picnic, and I brought a (item)”. For the example shown, I could bring a dog, because dog starts with the same letter as Dbiz. You do not share your rule with anybody. People respond to your post by saying “I went to your picnic, and I brought a (item)”. If the item fits the rule, op responds with “You can go to my picnic”. If not, say “You cannot go to my picnic”. After 2-3 people make a guess to go to the picnic, the person who started the picnic shares another item that they brought that fits the rule. Once you are allowed to go to the picnic, you can make a guess as to what the rule is. If you guess correctly, then that game ends and you get to start your own picnic.

I started a picnic, and I brought an orange


I went to your picnic and brought another citrus fruit, a Tangerine.


I went to you picnic and brought Lindt 90% Dark Chocolate.


@Orsome @PRCSakura You cannot go to my picnic


I went to my picnic and brought an Ocelot


I went to the picnic and brought an Orsome who in turn brought an Omlette.


damn so its not the same colour or citrus or fruit

I again tried to join your picnic and brought an Omlette


@Wilhuff @Orsome neither of you can go to my picnic

hint: it has something to do with the first letter of the word


Right, cause Orsome totally doesn’t start with ‘O’


It has to do with the first letter, but the right first letter isn’t the same for everyone. That’s all I’m going to say


Okay, I have better things to do.

I acknowledge I’m not invited to your picnic and I bid you good day.

I’ll start my own picnic with blackjack and hookers


I’m joining your picnic this time, I’m bringing a Yak


error noise


screw your picnic im going to sleep :pensive:


Ok, this time I bring damson fruit.


you cannot go to my picnic.

I go to my picnic, and I bring Orsome



Y’know what? Why am I even still wasting my time reading this thread?


Really dude?




I’m going to your picnic and bringing a quilt.