Piggby ❤


Hey i didn’t know that existed.

Wow really. I thought i didn’t spend to much time here.

The forum is taking over!




lol, my read time here is half my total play time


I’m pretty sure that realmeye doesnt display your total playtime, but only the time you spend in nexus/vault etc.


you mean in realm? b/c i probably spent ages just sitting in nexus.


What I’m trying to say is that the time you have been online (in rotmg) is > the “active” time on realmeye

Here is an example: https://www.realmeye.com/graveyard-summary-of-player/KarlF

(he says he played 3700hrs (I think steam has a feature that tells you how much you played and he prob used that) and his “active” count is ~1300hrs


yeah steam is how much time you spent in game, not sure if it included at title screen, definately included nexus time.


you only see the steam timer whenever you look at the game in your library.


@Piggby How old are you?


I’d rather not tell strangers. Get regular to find out!


He’s only 13???


It was a joke. I said it sarcastically, in response to something xaklor said in discord.


he’s actually 12 :wink:


Alright little kid.


alright little kid.


Alright little gurl :wink:


and don’t you forget it :wink:



important thread that i must bump!


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