Plague Poison Rework


So for a while now I’ve been thinking about ways in which the Assassin can contribute more as a team player. As in his current state, he’s not very good at that at all. The only poison that offers support (Parasitic Concoction) already does what another class can do all the time, without a UT. Then I looked for a unique status effect that would not only make sense for a poison to have, but at the same time re-work a near usless UT. I’ll be showing a side by side comparison of the stats.

Plague Poison

Tier: Untiered
MP Cost: 80 (6.25 damage/MP)
Radius: 9
Damage: 500 (50 damage/sec)
Duration: 10 seconds
Stat Bonuses: +2 ATK, +2 WIS
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 1000

Plague Poison Reworked

Tier: Untiered
MP Cost: 120 (4.16 damage/MP)
Radius: 4
Damage: 500 (100 damage/sec)
Duration: 5 seconds
Effect: Weak for 3 seconds
Stat Bonuses: +2 ATK, +2 WIS
Fame Bonus: 6%
Feed Power: 1000

It has the same MP cost as the Parasitic Concoction, a little less radius than tiered poisons, the same damage, but it applies weak to enemies.

Please bear in mind that weak on enemies reduces attack by 10% of original damage value.

Do you think this is a good idea for a rework?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Needs to tweaked more

0 voters

I’d love to hear your feedback


also it should be “Needs to be tweaked more”. my bad


Although I don’t think this is a good idea for a rework, I do think it is a good concept for a new poison. The Plague Poison already has a niche to make it a swapout, so turning the item into something completely different is unnecessary.

Regardless, I suggest making the poison over time last as long and the effect duration, or vice-versa.


Thing is, Plague Poison’s radius is supposed to be large, implying that the disease spreads quickly.


Can you provide any examples of when it would be used?
Imo most enemies that would warrant its use can be killed by the time the poison actually lands, or soon enough after where there is no point in wasting the mana


Getting SB on every god in a god wall? I don’t see Plague’s purpose to be to kill, but rather to insure you get soul bound on as many enemies as possible.

Not all UTs have to be comparable to a T6 in terms of usefulness :v


Thats a pretty situational use, i guess if you happen to get one its okay but I personally would never farm for it.
Last statement is somewhat true but that applies to stuff like poison dagger which drops from spider den. I think plague should be either buffed or reworked since it drops from a dungeon that is somewhat challenging for new players and takes a while to finish. At least to make it comparable to t5 poison


ok so basically, you make your dagger do less damage for 3 seconds in exchange for hitting less enemies with it and using more mp. takes it from decent to absolute dogshit


Maybe I should have clarified more, it applies Weak on enemies, not the player. The description for the Parasitic Concoction does the same thing in it’s own description.


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