Please add a QoL section to the "Game Discussion" board


I was also thinking that smaller balance changes (like making consumables that aren’t ghost rums or speed sprouts last like 90 seconds to two minutes but not be as effective) could go there as well, should this be added.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe so

0 voters



Sure I could see , people will still see it anyways if it does not happen. I never use the sub categories i just see it in the main one.

like how there is a community hub and fan art, ive never gone to fan art but ive seen the fan art on community hub.

Maybe a QoL section might also belong in the ideas section


So that the best of the best QoL idea wouldn’t just be from others

QoL should have its own place because entire updates can be made out of QoL

However the others section can still be fine


We have #ideas:other for this.


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