Pls no DC


Alright now im fking pissed
I am writing this post whilst a 10 min DC takes place…
At 12:00 i got 10 min dced…alright its fine i can live with that, ill just wait :slight_smile:
At 12:11 i got back on ready to play, everything worked out just fine, i went to my vault when suddenly
At 12:12 i got DCed again…fucking again
It is now 12:13 and i want to know what the actual fk is happening with the servers…
pls let me not be the only victim of chain DCs
My friend was in arena, got life pot and DCed b4 picking it up…(ok thats actually pretty funny)
But all joking aside i really hope deca can fix their shit quick cause these ten min DCs are getting more and more frequent


Same, paying a visit here as well while being on a 10min dc. There was also an earlier one like 20mins~ ago, where it just happened all of a sudden to just about every player on at ase.


I disconnected out of a shatters, a tomb, a woodlands, a lab, etc. It’s getting really annoying for me here too. This is the 5th time today within 2 hours of playing


Lmao i was tradin with you just now wasnt i


Triple DC within 50 minutes of playing


players are crashing things, it’s awful


I Think all the servers are down right now, i just got done with a 10 min. Then i try like every server and i cant connect to any.


Yup ASE my home server is ded
I have to try other servers in hopes they work


ASE player here. confirming stuff. my friends dc too. 3 times


"The following servers are currently not accessible: EUSouthWest, AsiaEast, USSouth2, USSouth, USEast, USWest3, USMidWest, USMidWest2, USSouth3, USEast2, EUWest, USWest2, EUEast, USWest, USEast3, EUNorth, EUSouth and EUNorth2."


Yup Kidddfoxxx you’re right, all servers arent working
I just tried like 5 of em ASE AE USS USMW USE not working
DECA pls fix it fast, i know you’re probably trying everything but i know im not the only one who thinks that this shit’s getting old


Thx Axel, although im gonna take a break cause other servers (if they are working) are really just too laggy for me what with all the rubberbanding and black tiling
ASE will always be my home server… <3


Same here, but does anyone know the cause of this? is it player-based like Shatter said or is it something with Deca’s servers?


I believe Shatter is correct. Players are crashing the servers intentionally. The same thing has been happening to the train, where a few people have been targeting the server of the train and crashing it repeatedly.


Yup i too believe its player based cause DECA has had problems with DCs…and thats usually a problem with the servers but on this extent…its probably just players intentionally crashing


got dc too. Maybe their having an update secretly of lost halls? surprise XD


Fairly sure Deca would announce before-hand if they’re going to do something that drastic. I mean, don’t you think they would say an announcement for something like that? This has been happening for some time now.


Is there a server working for anyone?


Hmm that would be acceptable…unless they pop out and say that they’re addin a new Mystery box or something…in which case i dnt understand cause u dnt rlly need a dc for Mystery Box


None of the servers are working for anyone.