Pokemon White 2 has a Cory in the House reference



how did i not notice this before
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Omg, I never noticed that either lmfao.




Yeah! It’s a party every week, baby!


gg exposed


better question:


tis a slightly modified rom :^)


why not skreee


Because it is cheating!!!


uhh… using an emulator is cheating…?

i’m scared to know what your standards for cheating are


Most emulators have special options that add extra legendaries and what not (+ you can save before throwing a pokeball, reload if you fail, and throw it again)


i’m not sure you know what an emulator exactly is, judging from this

and it’s uhh… not cheating if you don’t use those features…

also, you have no idea how the rng system in pokemon works. it’s pseudorandom, so no matter how many pokeballs you throw on a particular turn, the outcome will always turn out the same.

well, at least that’s how it was for gens 1-5. idk if 3ds versions changed it.


Oh really, I did not know this


i found out firstly from personal experience, verified online.

t’was playing emerald on my old gba (which in fact still works), and i realized that while softresetting for groudon, my pokeballs were nudging the exact same number of times, every time.

*note: i believe at least for emerald, the pseudorandomness was based on an internal clock running within the cartridge. my cartridge’s internal battery ran out, which is why i believe i was getting the same outcome every single time.

that was torture. i put two and two together and ended up using my master ball after running out of ultra balls.


whats cory in the house?
i dont get it




small note again: the pseudorng for later gens (past gen3) is based on the system clock. this allows for rng abuse based on calculations based on system time and the rng algorithm. each cartridge has a unique seed which rng is based off of, and it is entirely possible to find the true perfect seed for any iv/nature spread. there are communities dedicated to it.

there are minute changes every generation, but the base mechanics remain mostly the same.

more info: https://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/


You’re gonna get banned one of these days with all this necrobumping
(Of course if it contributes to the thread then you are extremely unlikely to be banned)


It’s just when I browse the realmeye forums for too long all the older posts start getting suggested and I don’t pay attention to the last post


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