Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


It matters because now, the big corporations will modify their policies to the Lowest Common Denominator (EU policies) and thus we’ll all suffer due to this.


If I put pictures of that one time I visited a museum on social media and I get flagged to hell because that museum had paintings depicting cherubs, is that a good thing?

There’s always going to be a limit to just how much you can enforce the law on online content. There’s just too much of it to be humanly manageable and automated algorithms lead to a complete shitshow almost every single time.

In the past few years people all over the world have been using social media as a way to coordinate protests and marches in the streets. What if their governments could pressure social media sites into blocking that?

Also, what about smaller websites? Forums such as this one?

If this Article 13 is fully enforced, that means every single time someone tries to start their own small forum, they’ll have to go negotiate with a fuckton of different companies to cover their asses preventively in case any of their users ever posts any copyrighted material; their only other option being to actively censor the posts themselves, which is not going to be humanly feasible for a small site managed by a small, likely non-professional team and will also drive users away.

A Chinese guy could just as easily tell you that China is a socialist republic that strives to bring prosperity and stability to the world while the EU is a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats who only care about their personal careers and putting more money in Germany’s pockets.

Refusing to acknowledge our flaws is only going to give them more ammunition.

No, both are big countries that aspire to be the only worldwide superpower and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal.

You also forgot the part where they made concentration camps to force Uighurs to abandon their religion. Or the part where they colonized Tibet. And probably a few other things.

What do you mean, “all of a sudden”? The whole “Article 13” thing started because the law proposal that contained that article was adopted by the EU.

Of course China and Russia have a vested interest in shitting on all the countries that have ever criticized or opposed them in any way, or that might do so in the future.

But again, I think you are mistaken if you think refusing to acknowledge our flaws is going to make us stronger against them. I think it’s going to have the exact opposite effect and will only help them further their agenda.

From what I’ve seen there definitely seems to be a pattern with mass shooters being overwhelmingly guys with social and possibly mental issues.


Interestingly enough as well, is that when people do notice tell tale signs of something wrong, they don’t do anything about it. I forgot about which story it was, but it was about this school shooter who the police knew was kinda mentally fucked, but did nothing about it. I’ll let you guess what happened next.

but over all, we do need to care more about people with mental issue and disorders, and give them proper care and therapy. School shootings are gonna keep rising if nothing is done anyway.

As for the reasoning for some of these shooters, I can see why they do it for the most part. Depressed, maybe has a bad family, bullied, probably a social outcast, environment, culture, etc. For me, I could guess it has more to do with depression and the fucky culture we have in the U.S.

Now I’m not saying some of these aren’t deserved (if you’re a prick to people expect them to not like you), it’s just that most of the time it’s not warranted and those people do have actual problems that need to be addressed, but aren’t.

But what do I know? they’re obviously incel losers who are angry at women because they won’t have sex with them, probably also MRAs who watch boreden jetterson too.

instead of attempting to help them, why don’t we just ignore them and then be all surprised when they go on a homicidal rampage, and then blame them for their problems! And people wonder why incels and mass shootings have gained more prominence over the years, but I guess cancerous tumors couldn’t see the difference anyway

here’s articles on that

Why incels are a ‘real and present threat’ for Canadians

Elliot Rodger and why young males go on rampage killings

(This also has some connection to what was happening with women and body/relationship issues. with the difference being that the media and all these organizations were very supportive and encouraged people to help these women and all that jazz, which is a good thing imo. but when it came to men, nothing really. So it’s a no brainer that the problem would get worse as more men commit suicide and become downright batshit crazy).

o ye and I found this

But censorship of these chat forums doesn’t seem entirely effective, because as soon as one forum or website is shut down another “just pops back up,” Perry said.

OmegaKek, So censorship of speech doesn’t work? I NEVER KNEW :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

“We’ve talked to girls and young women for eons now about how they can protect themselves, how they can defend themselves from the violence as well as the language, and it’s time that we turn the table and … ask men to be accountable for their behaviour,” she said.

Yes, belittle and patronize men/women, because that’s always worked in the past. Honestly, this is pretty dummy thicc seeing as there are incel WOMEN, this isn’t turning the tables on men, this is villainizing them and will probably only lead to more radicalization.


That’s subjective, because I think something good has come from this, and that’s civil discussion. You don’t see people flinging insults at each other, nor do you see people shutting others down for having opinions they don’t like. And I’m quite happy about that so far.

Inb4 someone starts a massive flame war :sob:


Once they’ve gotten to the stage of being an incel it might be too late, you have to get to them when they’re just starting to get bitter because of their lack of sex, and help them respect women’s autonomy and help them set goals that don’t place sex as the end all be all. I say that it might be too late because when they’re at the stage of being an incel they’re less likely to seek help for themselves because they’re convinced women are the problem.

And I do think this should take more of our focus, getting to the root of the problem rather than fruitlessly trying to tackle the ingrained incel ideology.


LukeyxD, being an incel means you’re involuntarily celibate, meaning you can’t get laid pretty much, so if that’s the point of no return then idk what to say. I agree with the rest tho

I agree with this part as well for the most part

for some reason most incels seem to have this weird ass mindset that sex is the only meaningful goal in a relationship, which if I’m gonna be brutally honest (which I will be cuz ima “Nice Guy”) that’s not only shallow and petty, but insanely pathetic, hollow, pointless, and stupid.

The fact that these people put so much value on women’s approval and sex proves how fucked they are mentally.

But then again, I’ve never haded the seccs before, so I’m just big [Gey] :frowning:


Incel isn’t just someone who’s involuntarily celibate, you can get no sex and not blame women for it. I lost my virginity pretty late and was never really angry about it or blamed other people for it.


alright, I can see your point.

I actually have nothing else to say :neutral_face: :open_mouth:


It seems I have no choice, but to engage in political discussion…

Off topic, but /)


I really don’t understand why this fried my brain so bad lmao

Yikes- life outside of sex exists, ya know


So you’re agreeing with me then, cuz I personally don’t obsess over how I get no couchie :< or the puss puss.

Edit: whoops wrong copypasta


Yeah, I am agreeing with you. Disagreeing with you means that I would be implying that I believe that life outside of sex does not exist, which is something that I believe to be false


yeah, It’s just really sad seeing how so many people (or atleast a very miserable loud minority) focus so much on something that is very superficial and won’t lead to long term happiness. incels are pretty much the polar opposite to people who have tons of sex, but are miserable.





I mean, it’s tru tho. people who sleep around, never really commit to a relationship aren’t usually the happiest people. plus they probably have a fair few STDs (unless they practice safe sex, but who does that lol) :>

Also my bad, I meant that the polar opposite of incels are actual normal people.


bumper cars

<uh… what do you think of pewdiepie?..>


Ironic racism and unironic racism are usually one and the same (pretty likely in his case considering who he was following on twitter, yikes). He has a huge platform and he can dodge accusations as to his political beliefs (at least to his less aware fans) because he hides behind irony.



no, if that was true, then I would hate literally all races since I say a lot of offensive jokes.

No clue who he was following, could you elaborate?

I mean, what if he is being ironic (which he is most likely). then it would be accurate to say he was being ironic.

Doesn’t mean I condone unironic racism imo, those peepul are dummy thicc in the skull anyway.


Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux are the most openly racist. Lauren with her “great replacement” which is basically fearmongering about immigration when they have black skin, whites are welcome though. Stefan Molyneux has videos where he talks about “race realism” which for the uninitiated is simply just racism. He makes claims like saying African Americans are genetically inferior because they score lower on IQ tests while he ignores all social factors. Those are some of the heinous views these people have.


The point I’m trying to make is that ironic racism and unironic racism are bound up so tightly that there’s no way to know when one starts and the other begins, especially in the age of the internet and considering Poe’s law