Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


I mean, when Lauren and other people like her make the statement I usually think of the governments taking in more refugees they can handle, ruining neighborhoods by making them have high crime rate cuz they can’t take care of these refugees, and then punishing their citizens if they speak out about it since they don’t wanna admit they did anything wrong. If Lauren doesn’t mind white refugees though, in my book that would make her a hypocrite and should be criticized for having a double standard.

I never really liked Stefan though. He does bring up a good point about race realism (Which takes in both GENETICS AND SOCIAL FACTORS), but instead he whines about how low IQ blackies are and how tyrone stole his girlfriend and now has to pay 50 million dollars, while giving biased evidence cuz he’s a hack fraud who’s intellectually dishonest, and mentally stunted.

Man oh man, he reminds me of Black Pigeon Speaks, who goes on about how WAMEN are bad and shouldn’t have the right to vote (which is FUCKING RETARDED BTW SINCE WE LIVE IN A D E M O C R A C Y) while also giving biased evidence and cherry picked stats kek.

I hope my childhood hero Ben Shapiro destroys these people with FACTS AND LOGIC. especially Stefan and pigeon, really can’t stand those guys that much.


If you compare populations with vastly different socioeconomic status and then present the results of IQ tests as being caused by genetics, that is indeed ignoring social factors. Race realism isn’t realizing there’s genetic variation in human populations but instead using bunk science to justify your racist views.


There are legitimate criticisms of how for example the Syrian refugee crisis was handled, which was definitely not countries fighting over who gets to have more refugees but instead multiple countries shirking their duty to give refuge to people fleeing a war-zone and the rest having to pick up the slack slant eyes at Norway. But when your criticism amounts to Muslim bad, white good, then it isn’t really a criticism of implementation of policy.



I finally finished the thumbnail of the video, now where’s my 10 billion god damn dollars.


I spent too much time on this…

in reference to the earlier comment


If you keep putting dumb memes on the internet and actual acts of real-life terrorism in the same basket, you will never look credible and you will waste your time yelling at trolls instead of actually doing something constructive.

Guilt by association is not a good angle either. It’s rarely substantial enough evidence and it can very easily be turned against you.

I’ve seen parts of one of his videos in the response hbomb made to criticisms against Star Wars 8. He sounds pretty unhinged (and for once that’s not hbomb deliberately editing the video in a misleading way).

That’s not entirely untrue. Taking migrants in often results in them all making their own ghettos and keeping to themselves, and then you end up with zones where they basically recreate their country of origin with all the flaws it might have (women getting harassed because they leave their home with their hair uncovered, excisions, etc…), even when that should not be compatible with the law and customs of the land.

Thing is, it’d be very hypocritical to limit immigration only to people who truly wish to integrate within their new country’s culture when we allow multinational corporations to come here for purely economical reasons (even when they are also incompatible with our culture, main example being US companies and US soft power in general).

I’ve seen enough terminally autistic people who supposedly had 120+ IQ to be very skeptical of the actual value of IQ tests.

All of Europe told Italy to deal with the refugees alone and without help. Now all of Europe is acting all surprised that people like Salvini have risen to power.

If the European Union is going to survive, then it’ll have to become an actual collaboration of countries instead of a bunch of bureaucrats who suck off Germany and the big banks.


Memes have been a tool for radicalizing people for a while now, people warm up to these ideas more easily when they’re submersed in it whether the memes were posted unironically or ironically. Getting to the root of the problem is tackling common pipelines of radicalization, you can be both against explicit acts of terror and the problems of internet radicalization, don’t be ridiculous.

It’s supplementary, and when Pewd’s “edgy humour” agrees with what they say there’s a stronger link than if someone’s behavior doesn’t align at all with people they’ve associated with.

Yeah this reminds me how Germans were coming to America when it was meant to be an Anglo country, not assimilating and speaking German rather than English, and not having American values of freedom. Not to mention the fucking Irish. To this day large sections of America speak German and Gaelic and refuse to learn English :slight_smile: /s


It’s true that the internet can be used as a very powerful tool for propaganda and mass disinformation. Anything that facilitates communication in general will also facilitate these kinds of harmful communication as well.

But that isn’t necessarily done via memes. ISIS managed to draft hundreds of people and I’m pretty sure they never really got big in the meme production department.

I just don’t see a good way to make progress by going against memes. Not only does it make you look ridiculous, it also means you’re going to waste massive amounts of time going against the people who make those memes without actually giving that much thought to whatever political meaning they might have: trolls, attention whores, kids trying to be edgy, …

So your solution to all of the world’s problems is to get rid of every culture in the world except US culture?

I thought you were supposed to be the left-wing guy here, so why are you making a case for US imperialism?


pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

btw, since when did Germany drop the Nationalist Socialist Party values? :wink:


This is just a ploy by the Nazi remnants to attempt to take control back, and how do I know this? because coincidences topped with coincidences you bastard. AND ONLY I KNOW THE TRUTH, AND I WILL STAND UP AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT CUZ IM HUMAN AND IM MAD.

( This video is pretty fucking good jokes aside, end game is looking promising as well.)


I know, but he’s still implying that the US don’t have any issues with their immigrants, which is simply not true. He also doesn’t seem to know how things are in Europe (can’t remember where he’s from?).

Alex Jones is great as entertainment. Too bad he sucks ass at everything else.




aww man, the video doesn’t work now…


Its the government trying to silence Alex Jones :frowning:


So we should do nothing about internet radicalization as long as it uses memes? Not following.

Not sure what you’re trying to say here, was making fun of those who have mentality that people living in close knit ethnic and linguistic communities is scary by highlighting the same divisions between groups that people wouldn’t draw today. Immigration isn’t imperialism and I made no value judgement as to which culture was “better” or deserves to exist.


he means that you shouldn’t go around censoring memes/people all willy nilly just because radicalization happens. And going after memes has never worked since places like 4chan feed off of that and create memes out of you doing that shit. Just look at the blizzard debacle with the okay hand sign :ok_hand:

(H A GOT EEEEM :smiling_imp:)


My point is that memes should be held to the same standard as if you were to actually say them. If you share a meme that says “hitler did nothing wrong” it is the same thing as having written it. Both might be interpreted as a joke and both might be interpreted as not a joke. My only point is that memes shouldn’t be a protected method of communication and the memes people share should garner the same criticism as what people might themselves write. If your only defence of the memes you post is “It’s just a meme” then those are the types of posts I’m talking about.


Look, if you want to get baited ad infinitum and spend the rest of your life yelling at chantards, then good for you, have fun with that. You’re not going to really change anything but if that’s something you enjoy, go right ahead.

I’m going to try and not be too confusing here, there’s just too much that doesn’t work with your statement.

You were basically saying “it’s okay, everyone gets integrated into US culture eventually” so I took it to its logical extreme. That’s all the “imperialism” jab was getting at.

It’s kind of funny that you would use the US as an example of migrant integration that worked when you guys spend 99% of your time yelling at each other about race. I don’t know man, doesn’t look like the melting pot worked all that well.

Also, responding with sarcasm to someone talking about personal experience isn’t going to win you any arguments. Just saying.


It’s worked 65% for the most part in my opinion. But now retards on both sides wanna start a racial holocaust, which will end up driving the country to a civil war and ultimately fuck everyone over.

Nah I a disagree with you, because I’ve won plenty of arguments with sarcasm ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


Chantards aren’t the only people using memes, bit out of touch there.

Sure I can get how you’d see that, obviously I don’t align my views with Benjamin Franklin but what I was showing was that the fears of a minority culture and language supplanting a dominant language and culture are silly. Not stating that minority cultures and languages should be eradicated, just to make that clear. It wasn’t a very good response to what you said but a response to common thoughts about what actual dangers these “ghettos” pose outside of their actual community.

I don’t think political disagreements should be the measure of whether a “melting pot” is feasible or even a goal that should be aimed for, acceptance between cultures is a better goal rather than complete integration.



As much as you guys like to LARP about your people being an armed militia that’s going to start a civil war and fight for freedom, I’m not really buying it.

Even if you did start a civil war, I have a feeling all that would accomplish is put some opportunistic asshole in power, without any significant improvement for the majority.

That was just one example.

Where did I say anything about supplanting? I know we were talking about “great replacement” theories not too long ago in this thread but that wasn’t me defending them.

All I’m saying is, closed-off communities can very easily become toxic, because when you’re a group that keeps to itself and doesn’t really mingle with outsiders it becomes very easy for a small minority inside the group to take control and act like assholes.

I’ve talked to a social worker who had met victims of excisions, for example, because they were trapped inside their own community and couldn’t flee anywhere or go to the police for help.

At one point I’ve had a woman come to me on the street who had gotten kicked out by her husband because he was upset that she’d dare go outside on her own. She was pregnant, she could barely walk, she didn’t know where to go, she was on the verge of tears and yet she still wouldn’t contact social services or even go rest at my place because she was afraid of reaching outside of her community for help.

In the end I couldn’t do anything for her. She had a friend she thought might help, but couldn’t remember where she lived because she never went there on foot (it was always her husband driving her there). We couldn’t find the place so in the end she just gave up and went back to her husband and probably just begged him to let her back in.

Granted, she hadn’t been in France for very long, but I’m really not sure that situation is going to get any better with time.

I don’t think you’ve really reached acceptance between cultures.

I think what happened is that everyone adopted US culture and then the only “cultural differences remaining” are either:

-cosmetic differences that are kept around purely for marketing purposes
-identity politics bullshit