Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


I’m not sure what you know about welfare but the only reason you would get fat off of welfare is because you can’t afford to buy good food and you’re stuck with cheap ass junk food. My family was on welfare for a when my family first immigrated over and I find it slightly insulting that you believe that living off welfare is easy. Now my family is middle class and believe me, living off welfare and living in a middle class family is very very fucking different


No he’s suggesting that punishments be harsher based on circumstance. This already happens to certain degrees (Ex: First degree murder can vary between life in prison -> death in some states), however you can’t start doing something like death penalty for 2nd degree murder. Modifying punishments outside of the range already in the law is illegal.


Yes… USA is some serious ass, promoting democracy while taking down multiple democratic elected leaders in a power grab. Below is a list of some countries USA screwed around with. Note the article is incredibly biased but it’s decent for most of it.


Ooh, this and vigilante-ism* is a no-no for me

vigilante-ism as in, shooting people because you feel like they’re breaking the law without hard evidence


I didn’t bother reading every comment so I am going to ask. Has this turned into a flamewar yet?


yes, no and maybe


What I read was pretty mild. There was a few people cussing and being toxic. But in general people were being civil which is nice. :wink:


Has anybody mentioned:
1 Gun control
2 Abortion
3 Global warming
4 Trump
5 Democrats vs Republicans
6 Fake news
7 Racism
8 The wall
9 How awesome I am :joy:


Which is why I won’t give my (((allegiance))) to a nation’s government that’s inconsistent with it’s morals, and has a past of being hypocritical.

that doesn’t mean I hate the U.S tho :>

unlike AOC >:(


(You put 2 twice)
1, 2, global warming isn’t politics it’s science, 3 no, 4 no, 5 no, 6 no, 7 briefly and 8 hell nah


Okay, thanks for answering. Although 8 is a bummer. I am pretty awesome imao. XD
Also if y’all need a voice of reason just notify me. I’ll distract everyone from the topic jk.

Edit: Just fixed the numbers issue. Thanks for pointing that out @CandyShi


I am personally not going to say anything about the topic because I know there are people who would love to disagree with me and an argument is the last thing this thread needs. Also


I understand that racism is a problem but the thing about racism is that racism is inherent. I understand that legal racism is not okay but you can’t just expect people to be entirely non racist because we are all born with racist tendencies. Just because I feel like racism is terrible and should not exist does not mean that I can force myself to lose all racist feelings I have. I feel like a bigger issue than racism is class divide. Racism can fit into class divide but I feel like you can’t just force class divide into racism.


Isn’t politics all about arguments and debate?
Isn’t that the entire point of the thread?


True, I just don’t want to get into a argument. But good point!


In my post I was asking if anyone had mentioned racism. Although I think racism is wrong.


The only reason you would ask if people were talking about racism in a politics thread is if you believed that racism is something that should/would be talked about in the politics thread suggesting that you have a solid opinion on racism so I just kinda wanted to extend it to say that racism is not what we should be focusing on and hopefully bring up a new side to this discussion. Second off, who in the world would seriously say that they believed racism is good in this thread. Like we’re 90% liberals.


Alright time to invite some discussion.
Now normally I’d say religion has no bearing on politics (and as an atheist I think it shouldn’t have any). However in America, some policies don’t exactly show separation of church and state. Off the top of my head (no google atm :c) churches are tax-exempted, abortion laws are being passed (although people can argue about whether this is about religion or not), and some schools have/used to have bible study classes.

Opinions/anything to add/other perspectives? I’d be interested to hear them.


I don’t think this is a problem as long as it’s optional/it’s a school dedicated to religion.

–>Reason being, if you don’t believe in religion, then you can simply opt out of it.

Now, this is a bit spicy. Personally, I believe that as long as the money “made” by churches goes directly back into the church or donated off to other struggling churches (Basically, as long as the money doesn’t end up being profit) I’m fine with it. From what my Pastor’s have told me, they don’t have any source of money other than the donations and the donations they get from other, wealthier pastors.
My problem is that corrupt af church officials get the money as a “donation”, and then run off with it. This is literally stealing imo, because they claim that it goes to help the church but then they run off with it for their own purposes.

Adding on to this “not for profit, therefore tax exemption” train, what about Collegeboard? They rake in shit tons of cash, and they don’t get taxed


Sorry I meant to say “mandatory bible study classes”.

I have no problem with non profit/charitable organizations (including churches that fall under these categories) being tax exempt. However, churches are by default tax exempt, they don’t have to “open their checkbooks” to prove that they are indeed a non-profit organization, while others do.

I don’t have access to google right now, but there’s probably a reason why the college board is tax-exempt.