Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


tru tru


I was sent an email; I’m the 15 y/o referred to in that post xD


oh i is dum dum


They’re mistaking a symptom for a cause.

Violent and disturbing video games don’t make you a spree shooter; spree shooters are typically the kind of young antisocial people who are prone to consume unhealthy amounts of violent and disturbing media, including video games.

I’m sure that’s going to massively improve things.

After all, it’s not like there are precedents of a chan site trying to put a tighter leash on its users resulting in said users making their own chan site so they could keep sperging out of control.

It’s not like spree killers don’t actually care about which site they post their shit on, as long as it gains them attention. No such examples to be found on Facebook, or Instagram, … ever.


lol reply to windows not me, I’m getting notifications af


… I replied to him though?


See, this is the quality statement that hot-headed people miss out on. As soon as I bring up a statement on abortion in front of them, they scream, “NUUH ABORTION DUM DUM NO ABORTION WHATEVS THE CASE…”

:triumph: inhale…exhale…


Did you perhaps set the topic to “watching”?


orange man bad


The Onion is too damn funny xD


what has this thread tured into


You guys ruined everything :angry:

but that’s not a good narrative :frowning: . you really gotta fear monger people and revolutionize people, or else they wont buy what you’re saying, or you can shame them, either one works on both spectrums.

shush boi, we don’t call out our master facebook or alien lizard robot.

but we will call out non mainstream sites for having the same thing happen, lol.



Bump OwO

what do you think about foreign policy?


Illegal immigrants bad

That’s it i guess


They are literally illegal by definition


the more you know


“Illegal things are illegal”



big brain time


1 month bump, anyone wanna argue with me?


I have two words for you. NO