[POLL] Does the Fire Dragon Battle Armor need to be buffed again?

  • Yes, with a large overhaul of most stats
  • Yes, but only the defense
  • Yes, but only the trivial stats
  • No, it’s fine as it currently is
  • No, it should be nerfed

0 voters

I was kind of wondering about this, and since no other topics related to this showed up when I searched, I thought to myself “I should take the initiative to actually do something for once and annoy everyone on the forums at the same time!”

As usual, discuss your choice if you wish to.


I’m actually very satisfied with the previous buff to it despite being minor.
I plan use it on my Paladin once I 6/8 it. (In fact, I believe he is already wearing it.)
The UT does not rival the top tier armor, Acropolis, which is a good thing. Situational.

Considering my experience with Paladin and the game itself I would consider myself relatively safe despite lacking seven defense. (The speed bonus to the armor is what interests me most.)

Acropolis definitely is better, but from my experience with death on the Paladin it was the lack of speed and damage output that killed me, not my defense. What use is it when you let yourself get overwhelmed? Speed helps ya avoid the threat and attack helps you destroy it.

-I don’t always kill enemies in the Abyss with one bullet so 4 Att may make a difference.


I’m actually using it on my own Pally after literally getting it today, and I can’t seem to one shot Brutes every time while buffed.

I’ve checked and apparantly, a Paladin with an Acclaim and Fire Armor who just buffed himself has a 90.91% chance of one-hitting a Brute. (Without Fire Armor, it’d be a 70.91% chance)


It isn’t guaranteed, but it is definitely an improvement from the no attack bonus percent.


Oh, and I’ve determined that if you wear the Ring of the Pyramid you have a 100% chance to one-shot the brutes. Hm… I may steal it off my Mystic for my Pally when he is ready…

Anyway, I’d like to know how ya did the math to determine the chance to one shot the monsters. I’m not too keen when it comes to percentages. (The only reason why I know this is 100% is because the lowest possible damage with an Acclaim and these items surpasses 500 damage.)


Pfiffel’s DPS calculator’s Enemy Viewer tab lets you see pretty much all enemies. Hovering over one will tell you lots of info about them, including the one- and two-shot chance you have against them.
So I just used that. For example, did you know that a Warrior only has a 16,36% chance at oneshotting a Brute with an Acclaim?


Ew, though I suppose his fire rate makes up for that.

I forgot about the damage calculator, I usually do the calculations myself. I’ll figure something out, percentages are fractions which ya get by dividing so I’m sure if I really need a value I’ll find a way.

I think I’ll run the Abyss like a madman once I get that Paladin 6/8… (and maybe pop a few life and mana potions while I’m at it)


putting this here for reference if anyone needs it.
i believe that a slight buff making:
+6 spd
+6 vit
and an increase of fame bonus is enough.
it’s not underpowered, just wouldn’t be used in 9/10 situations.


Then noone would need the warrior st armor


make the armor DPS focused, screw spd and vit. +5att +5 dex +17def. Done.


I…really don’t think that’s a good idea.
+10 in offensive stats is just too much, and dexterity isn’t what heavy armours should be giving anyway - they are heavy armors, after all.
I do agree that the vitality bonus is somewhat…eh.
But the speed is actually the most useful stat here, since it grants melees a better choice when trying to rush, while also securing them of killing any charging enemies with +4 attack.


On the one hand its pretty crap at the moment. On the other hand melees shouldnt be given even more potential.


Nah, the closer you make everything to the top tier armor the more obsolete said top tier armor gets. This seems fine, replaces defense for att, spd, and vit. Whilst vit is lackluster the att and spd make up for it. Granted the att means nothing for the warrior and the paladin, and the spd means nothing for the warrior.
This just looks like an armor meant for a knight to me, where he has a shield to make up for the defense lost and an overall higher def.


[quote=“Melididius, post:13, topic:10496, full:true”]
the att means nothing for the warrior and the paladin, and the spd means nothing for the warrior.
[/quote]I have to disagree with this, the att makes quite a bit of difference on both paladin and warrior. Infact, it’s probably least useful on knight, but that’s just my opinion. Also, the spd is good since warrior can go speedy.


Well if it’s such a heavy armor then why is it giving a speed bonus.


I worded this the wrong way. The paladin can already buff his attack, so the +4 attack loses it’s purpose because the paladin ability makes him want to have armor or prioritize other stats. The warrior boosts dexterity instead of his attack, but it fills the same role. Only the knight doesn’t have a real boost to either, whenever the shield bash works it’s the same boost for everyone.

The paladin and knight both benefit from the speed but the warrior not so much, the warrior has his ability to get from place to place faster.

It does the same for all of them, but knight has less ways to boost its attack.

If you’re a melee class and you’re struggling to reach SB damage on a boss as one of the three melees, the most likely reason for warrior is that he’s taking too much damage, wearing a hefty defense armor and using a different ring or weapon is the better option. The paladin can heal so it’s more feasible to sacrifice defense, but the resurrection armor is better to keep as much healing going as possible. The knight gets quite a bit of defense from it’s ability that doesn’t self boost, so arguably the best way to mix it up would be at one point to try sacrificing some defense for attack and speed.

That’s mostly opinion, which is really what all this is.


I think @Axelazon was trying to explain that the Warrior and Paladin make better use of the four attack because they have offensive buffs. (Despite them not really needing it.)

This means that the four attack is multiplied with the other stats, something Knight can’t do alone.

-The average damage of an Acclaim is used here, 247.

Without +4 Att
370.5 (Damage Per Hit)
5.83 (Attacks Per Second)
2161.25 (Damage Per Second)

With +4 Att

115.25 (Damage Per Second Difference)







This is how much more the additional attack benefits the other two classes.

57.25 (Warrior)
44.806 (Paladin)

So it would be more efficient on the Warrior and Paladin.

As for the speed bonus…

Without +3 Spd

With +3 Spd

0.22 (Tile Per Second Difference)




The difference between how much more tiles per second gained for the Knight and Warrior is this number.


This means the Warrior is more efficient with any speed bonuses rather than the Knight.

Not everybody aims to have the highest stats, usually just enough of what they need if they can help it so all this math isn’t important for those that try to raise their lower stats to balance themselves out.
(The opposite of min/maxing.)


On a side note, you mentioned the resurrected armor works best on a Knight. I personally think that it can help a Knight a lot, but I think the Paladin benefits more from it. (This is now a matter of opinion, and less factual.)
We can’t compare how effective the abilities are when wearing this armor because the abilities do different things and perform more effectively in different areas.

However, I can show how much a Paladin can benefit from the armor at only a cost of 5 wis.

Note: This is not including any mana regeneration as there are too many variables to use in what short time I have.

Without Armor
120 (Healed from Healing Duration)
112 (Heal from HP Bonus)
2.8 (Times the ability can be used)

649.6 (Health Healed Total)

With Armor


This means that the armor allows the Paladin to heal ~410.096 more health than before, all at the cost of just seven defense.
This is why I would personally use a Ressurected on my Paladin if I had one.


Actually I said it works best on a paladin, for the same reasons you listed below. Since paladin’s boost boosts both his attack and heals himself it makes the most sense out of all 3 of them for him to be able to use his ability as long as possible. So I totally agree with you.

Kudos for going through the work to show the efficiency, I knew that it would boost paladin and warrior more due to their abilities, I should have focused more on my minor point that knight’s ability doesn’t do this, so he doesn’t have an ability to rely on a dps boosts. Since he can only rely on equips to boost his attack it makes more sense, at least in my mind, to sacrifice the extra defense from other armors and rely on the extra defense built into the knight to allow that slight attack increase.


Whoops, dunno how I got a different meaning out of your post.

I can agree that the Dragon armor works better on Knight too. Min/maxing doesn’t always work :stuck_out_tongue:
However, as I said earlier on this thread, this armor is extremely useful on the Paladin rather than the Knight when rushing the Abyss. This is only one situation where it works fantastic, which is great since the armor is supposed to be situational.


>casually uses it in Godlands wearing a para def

I think I probably should’ve phrased that a bit better: the signature trait of heavy armors is that they don’t increase dex, since they’re so heavy and all. The reason it gives a speed bonus is…well…I guess they try to cool themselves with the heat from the armor (;