Poll: your favorite class


Simple question: what is your favorite class in the game?

  • Rogue
  • Archer
  • Wizard
  • Priest
  • Warrior
  • Knight
  • Paladin
  • Assassin
  • Necromancer
  • Huntress
  • Mystic
  • Trickster
  • Sorcerer
  • Ninja

0 voters

I don’t want to know which class you think is the stronger, i want to know which class you think is more fun. If possible, try expanding on the subject below.

Me? I have no favorite. I played’em all, i like’em all.

Rotmg - Class Tier List
Best 6 Classes
4 Classes
I don't know what to do
Most Enjoyable Class
[POLL] What is your favorite class? (personally)
[POLL] What is your favorite class? (personally)
Favourite Class & Why?
"What class is the best class?" Correct answer here!
What is your favorite class and why?
Character Tier List
Best backup class
Favorite classes?
Straight Up. What class do you enjoy playing on most
What classes are easy to rebuild on?

Priest with prot for me is the most fun thing to play in the game, as it can tank and heal at the same time, so you’d almost never die, unless armour break


Want to make it a multi-vote poll then? You only have 5 minutes after creating a poll to edit it.

Edit your first line like this: [poll type=multiple min=1 max=14], where the max is the most choices people can make, ie top 3.


No thanks, not really needed. I saw the option to do it but made it single choice anyway.


I like the Warrior the most. Reason: Speed & Survivability. I, personally, really like speed. I like being fast. I would prefer Speed over damage at almost any time. Now, I have damage And speed together! Also, the Warrior is pretty good at surviving. He has a decent ~60 def and even has a jugg for lucky people. Highest amount of health, too.

Btw, How did you do a vote?



Ahh cool, thanks!


When Playing in Glands with an mana maxed Sorc and a godwall of approx 20 god apear in front of you there is no such other class which could too that much damage (i even think his ability is the strongest in game when u count every of the hits)


I really like ninja gotta go fast


Priest is my favorite class, next to paladin.


Knight, then paladin they are OP


It’s knight for me, I really enjoy the stun ability! You’re tanky and you have a good group role ability. That’s all I need. :smiley:


Interesting how Knight is the favorite so far (spoilers!) even though many criticize Knight for being a brainless, skill-less, and soulless character. I guess that’s to say how being OP, not invincible, is still fun for people. Not that surprising, I guess.

What’s surprising is that no one has voted for Pally yet!


There are about as many people that criticize the knight as there are people that only play the knight. And you can’t really blame people for liking the knight, after all he can do a lot. I just can’t understand why someone would only play one or two classes. Variety is the spice of life, people.


I guess some people are more focused on rebuilding and getting loot than variety. You really don’t need to play all the classes to do well in this game, at least financially.

I wish that you could select more than one option and the poll results would show people’s first and second, etc, choices.


First off- I find it depressing how no-one so far fav’s the assasin class :cry:

My favorite class would have to be the warrior class for several reasons.

a) I can RUN, I can MOVE, NOTHING CAN CATCH ME AHAHA (I like being able to get places quickly, which would make an otherwise boring rush, more interesting and engaging!).

b) Warriors are great for single target DPS, this means they can run in, get a load of hits and then run quickly out. Therefore this class is great for getting that soulbound damage in, before having to retreat out.

c) I find that warriors are actually a good class to rebuild with because of their efficiency at running abysses. If you like to grind and stockpile your vault, then this is the class for you.


I also like every class, once I played each one long enough I started to love their unique aspects.

But my favorite class is Trickster, which is why I just wanted Trickster to be the char I stacked fame on.

(I also have 3 of them.)


For me the Paladin really takes the cake. Its versatility in both god lands and dungeons make everything easy to solo and even easier with a group. His support takes a good defensive roll but he has the dps of a melee. PERFECTION <3


Even though I only use it as a shatters throwaway, I absolutely love playing trickster. It really feels more skill based as it’s focused on dodging & teleporting. Great in shatters as well :slight_smile:


Archer is the best class!