Possible RealmEye Twitter..?


That’s basically it, I’m just wondering if there are ever plans to make an “official realmeye” Twitter account or something (it would only be run by the Realmeye mods, of course), that can be related to both the forums and the actual wiki.

Yeah, there isn’t really a need/use for this, but occasionally Realmeye bugs (like the graveyard glitch going on currently), and a Twitter account could provide possible insight/updates on the situation, or when it resolves, or whatever.

Not expecting this to happen, but I noticed that nobody has made a thread suggesting this before, so I thought I might as well /shrug


Who uses Twitter? Why not a RealmEye Snapchat


Realmeye MySpace


Nah its all bout’ that realmeye LinkedIn


I love how the only 3 replies to this thread are just meme responses.


@otherbill could post his sexy bod


When where how when where how when where how


this is why we need RE snapchat for OB’s sexy bod


what in the name of god
this has gone too far we need the purge




[No, not even a sexy facepalm. OB]


I love how there aren’t actually any serious replies to this thread :+1:


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